Section 410 IAC 6-7.2-32 - Animal and pest controlAuthority: IC 16-19-3-4
Affected: IC 16-19-3
Sec. 32.
(a) Animal shelters, corrals, tie rails, or hitching posts shall not be located within two hundred (200) feet of a dining hall, kitchen, or other place where food is prepared, cooked, or served.(b) Buildings, grounds, and storage areas shall be kept free of insect and rodent infestations and free of refuse that could harbor rodents, mosquitoes, flies, and other pests.(c) Lumber, pipe, and other building materials shall be stored at least four (4) inches above the ground. Indiana State Department of Health; 410 IAC 6-7.2-32; filed Jun 27, 2002, 1:30 p.m.: 25 IR 3756; readopted filed Jul 14, 2008, 2:14 p.m.: 20080806-IR-410080322RFAReadopted filed 9/10/2014, 2:08 p.m.: 20141008-IR-410140299RFAReadopted filed 9/10/2020, 2:11 p.m.: 20201007-IR-410200404RFA