Authority: IC 16-41-35-26; IC 16-41-35-29
Affected: IC 16-41-35
Sec. 30. Board Form "U"
CERTIFICATE-MEDICAL USE OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNDER GENERAL LICENSE 410 IAC 5-3-7(h) establishes a general license authorizing physicians to possess certain small quantities of I-125, I-131, Co-57, Co-58, Co-60, and Cr-51 for specified diagnostic uses. Possession of radioactive material under 410 IAC 5-3-7(h) is not authorized until the physician has filed board form U and received from the board a validated copy of board form U with certification number assigned.
Submit this form in triplicate to the Medical Radiology Services Division, Indiana department of health. A certification number will be assigned and a validated copy of board form U will be returned. Please print or type your name and address (including ZIP Code), within the lines below:
I am a duly licensed physician [authorized to dispense drugs] in the practice of medicine. My Indiana license number is:__.
I hereby certify that:
(Signature of person filing form)
Medical Diagnostic Uses
paragraph to include one of the following statements in the label affixed to the container or in the leaflet or brochure which accompanies the radiopharmaceutical:
This radioactive drug may be received, possessed, and used only by physicians licensed [to dispense drugs] in the practice of medicine. Its receipt, possession, use, and transfer are subject to the regulations and a general license or its equivalent of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission or of a state with which the commission has entered into an agreement for the exercise of regulatory
(Name of Manufacturer)
This radioactive drug may be received, possessed, and used only by physicians licensed [to dispense drugs] in the practice of medicine. Its receipt, possession, use, and transfer are subject to the rules and a general license or its equivalent of a licensing state.
(Name of Manufacturer)
If larger quantities or other forms of radioactive material than those specified in the general license of 410 IAC 5-3-7(h) are required, the physician should file an "Application for Radioactive Material License," and obtain a specific radioactive material license. Copies of application and certification forms may be obtained from the Medical Radiology Services Division, Indiana State Department of Health.
410 IAC 5-3-30