Rule 410 IAC 32-4 - Work Practices for Abatement Activities
- Section 410 IAC 32-4-1 - Applicability
- Section 410 IAC 32-4-2 - Inspections
- Section 410 IAC 32-4-3 - Lead hazard screen
- Section 410 IAC 32-4-4 - Risk assessment
- Section 410 IAC 32-4-5 - Abatement procedures for abatement activities
- Section 410 IAC 32-4-6 - Lead abatement notification procedures
- Section 410 IAC 32-4-7 - Lead abatement procedures; interior
- Section 410 IAC 32-4-8 - Lead abatement procedures; exterior
- Section 410 IAC 32-4-9 - Post-abatement clearance procedures
- Section 410 IAC 32-4-10 - Lead-based paint sampling procedures
- Section 410 IAC 32-4-11 - Lead-based paint disposal procedures
- Section 410 IAC 32-4-12 - Analysis of samples
- Section 410 IAC 32-4-13 - Record keeping
- Section 410 IAC 32-4-14 - Compliance; enforcement
- Section 410 IAC 32-4-15 - Filing of notification; fee