Rule 410 IAC 32-3 - Training Courses and Instructors
- Section 410 IAC 32-3-1 - Applicability
- Section 410 IAC 32-3-2 - Initial and refresher training course and lead-based paint two (2) hour rules awareness course application for approval
- Section 410 IAC 32-3-3 - Initial training course requirements
- Section 410 IAC 32-3-4 - Refresher training course requirements; course work
- Section 410 IAC 32-3-5 - Examination requirements
- Section 410 IAC 32-3-6 - Training course providers; responsibilities
- Section 410 IAC 32-3-7 - Expiration of course approval; reapproval
- Section 410 IAC 32-3-8 - Training manager and instructor qualifications
- Section 410 IAC 32-3-9 - Approval; suspension; revocation; modification
- Section 410 IAC 32-3-10 - Record keeping requirements for training course providers
- Section 410 IAC 32-3-11 - Course notification and record submittal requirements
- Section 410 IAC 32-3-12 - Application fee
- Section 410 IAC 32-3-13 - Representation of training course approval
- Section 410 IAC 32-3-14 - Compliance; enforcement