405 Ind. Admin. Code 5-3-12

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 405 IAC 5-3-12 - Prior authorization; exceptions

Authority: IC 12-15

Affected: IC 12-15-30-1

Sec. 12.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this rule, prior authorization by the office is not required under the following circumstances:

(1) When a service is provided to a member as an emergency service, "emergency service" means a service provided after the sudden onset of a medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity that the absence of immediate medical attention could reasonably be expected to result in:
(A) placing the patient's health in serious jeopardy;
(B) serious impairment to bodily functions; or
(C) serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part.
(2) When a member's physician determines that an inpatient hospital setting is no longer necessary, but that Medicaid covered services should continue after the member is discharged from inpatient hospital care, such services may continue for a period not to exceed one hundred twenty (120) hours within thirty (30) calendar days of discharge without prior authorization, if the physician has specifically ordered such services in writing upon discharge from the hospital. Services provided under this section are subject to all appropriate limitations set out in this rule. This exemption does not apply to durable medical equipment, neuropsychological and psychological testing, or out-of-state medical services. Prior authorization by the office must be obtained for reimbursement beyond the one hundred twenty (120) hours within thirty (30) calendar days of discharge period. Physical, speech, respiratory, and occupational therapies may continue for a period not to exceed thirty (30) hours, sessions, or visits in thirty (30) calendar days without prior authorization if the physician has specifically ordered such services in writing upon discharge or transfer from the hospital. Prior authorization by the office must be obtained for reimbursement beyond the thirty (30) hours, sessions, or visits in the thirty (30) calendar day period for physical, speech, respiratory, and occupational therapies.
(3) The IEP serves as the prior authorization for IEP nursing services and IEP transportation services when provided by a Medicaid participating school corporation in accordance with 405 IAC 5-22-2 and 405 IAC 5-30-11. No additional prior authorization is required.

405 IAC 5-3-12

Office of the Secretary of Family and Social Services; 405 IAC 5-3-12; filed Jul 25, 1997, 4:00 p.m.: 20 IR 3305; filed Sep 27, 1999, 8:55 a.m.: 23 IR 309; readopted filed Jun 27, 2001, 9:40 a.m.: 24 IR 3822; filed Aug 28, 2001, 9:56 a.m.: 25 IR 60; readopted filed Sep 19, 2007, 12:16 p.m.: 20071010-IR-405070311RFA; filed Apr 22, 2013, 9:47 a.m.: 20130522-IR-405120550FRA; readopted filed Oct 28, 2013, 3:18 p.m.: 20131127-IR-405130241RFA
Filed 8/1/2016, 3:44 p.m.: 20160831-IR-405150418FRA
Readopted filed 7/28/2022, 2:21 p.m.: 20220824-IR-405220205RFA
Readopted filed 5/30/2023, 11:54 a.m.: 20230628-IR-405230292RFA