35 Ind. Admin. Code 14-3-6

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 35 IAC 14-3-6 - Unclaimed ASA assets within dormant accounts

Authority IC 5-10.2-2-1; IC 5-10.5-4-2

Affected: IC 5-10.2-2-3; IC 5-10.2-2-4

Sec. 6.

(a) Whenever a vested member's account has received no contributions for a period of twenty (20) years and it has been determined by TRF that the member is otherwise age and service eligible to receive a benefit, the fund may conduct an investigation to locate the member.
(b) Reasonable costs of locating the member or the member's beneficiary may be charged against the member's ASA.
(c) If the member or the member's beneficiary is not located after an investigation to locate the member, the monies in the member's ASA shall be credited to the fund and the fund shall retain the monies until the member or the member's beneficiary claims the monies with no further interest credits or earnings after the monies are credited to the fund.

35 IAC 14-3-6

Board of Trustees of the Indiana Public Retirement System; 35 IAC 14-3-6; adopted Dec 16, 2009: 20100106-IR-550090990ONA

Transferred from the Board of Trustees of the Indiana State Teachers' Retirement Fund ( 550 IAC 2-3-6) to the Board of Trustees of the Indiana Public Retirement System ( 35 IAC 14-3-6) by P.L. 23-2011, SECTION 22, effective July 1, 2011.