345 Ind. Admin. Code 7-8-4

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 345 IAC 7-8-4 - Restrictions and guidelines in creating new brands

Authority: IC 15-17-3-14; IC 15-17-3-21; IC 15-19-6-7

Affected: IC 15-17-3-13; IC 15-19-6

Sec. 4.

(a) Except for disease control purposes, no person within the state of Indiana may use any brand for identifying livestock unless that brand has been recorded in the office of the state veterinarian.
(b) In order to avoid confusion, according to the style of brand chosen, the state veterinarian requires that a brand be read as follows:
(1) Left to right.
(2) Top to bottom.
(3) Outside to inside.
(c) All stacked and/or connected brands will be read from top to bottom whether or not the bottom letter may extend to the left.
(d) A brand will be filed in the category read first (left takes preference over top).
(e) A brand will be filed in the sequence as follows:
(1) A to Z.
(2) 1 to 9.
(3) Symbols and characters as follows:
(A) Double letters.
(B) Letters with numbers.
(C) Letters with characters (to the right or below).
(f) A single letter brand shall not be recorded.
(g) No lazy open A will be recorded; > < will be considered as a V.
(h) The letter G will only be recorded in the reversed position, for example, G.
(i) The letter C will never be recorded in the reverse position.
(j) The letter W will not be recorded in the lazy position; M will be considered as the letter M.
(k) The letter I will only be recorded with another letter.
(l) A lowercase letter, for example, a, c, t, or d, will not be recorded.
(m) A circle or a zero (0) will be recorded as the letter O.
(n) The letter Q will not be recorded.
(o) A half diamond must always have the points (ends) toward the brand, for example, H.
(p) A quarter circle must always be recorded with the points away from the brand, for example, H, and is never connected with the letter.
(q) A brand consisting of arabic numbers only may be used for individual livestock identification (in-herd) if it is located at least ten (10) inches away from any recorded livestock brand. The arabic number brand will not be recorded.
(r) When a recorded brand is applied to livestock which may have been branded by a previous owner, the new brand must be applied so as not to overlap, obliterate, disfigure, or mutilate the previous brand.
(s) A brand shall be placed in one (1) specific location upon an animal. The appropriate location shall be designated on the brand recordation application.
(t) A horse may be branded on the shoulder regardless of the specific location designated for other livestock. The brand shall not be recorded on the ribs of the horse.
(u) All cattle brands must be a minimum of three (3) inches in height, and all other brands must be a minimum of two (2) inches in height.

345 IAC 7-8-4

Indiana State Board of Animal Health; 345 IAC 7-8-4; filed Apr 2, 1993, 5:00 p.m.: 16 IR 1943; readopted fi led May 2, 2001, 1:45 p.m.: 24 IR 2895; readopted filed May 9, 2007, 3:16 p.m.: 20070516-IR-345070037RFA; readopted filed Aug 7, 2013, 8:32 a.m.: 20130904-IR-345130236RFA
Readopted filed 7/10/2019, 3:50 p.m.: 20190814-IR-345190168RFA