329 Ind. Admin. Code 9-6-2.5

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 329 IAC 9-6-2.5 - Site assessment for permanent closure or change-in-service

Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-23-1

Affected: IC 13-12-3-2; IC 13-23

Sec. 2.5.

(a) A site assessment for a UST system undergoing permanent closure or a change-in-service must be provided by the UST owner or operator to the department not later than thirty (30) days after completion of permanent closure or change-in-service.
(b) The site assessment must include the following information and be conducted as follows:
(1) Sampling and laboratory analysis, with the associated detection limits, for soil samples and ground water samples are required for the chemical of concern in the UST system. The quantity and location of soil and ground water samples must be taken as follows:
(A) Quantity and location of soil samples for permanent closure and change-in-service as follows:
(i) In-place closure soil samples must be taken as described in section 2.6(a) of this rule.
(ii) Removal closure soil samples must be taken as described in section 2.6(b) of this rule.
(iii) Change-in-service soil samples must be taken as described in section 2.6(c) of this rule.
(B) Quantity and location of ground water samples for each permanent closure and change-in-service must be taken as described in section 2.6(d) of this rule.
(2) The owner or operator of the UST system shall supply the following information:
(A) The UST system facility owner or operator name, owner identification number issued by the department, address, and phone number.
(B) The name of the UST system facility contact person, owner or operator affiliation, and phone number.
(C) A list of all owners or operators of the UST during the last twenty-five (25) years.
(3) For the UST closure contractor, the following information:
(A) UST closure contractor name, company name, and address.
(B) The name of the person onsite during closure that is certified by the office of the state fire marshal to perform UST closure and that person's certification number.
(4) For the UST site, information regarding the following:
(A) Facility name, facility identification number as issued by the department, address, and phone number.
(B) Type of facility, past and current operation.
(C) Coverage, stating if coverage is turf, concrete, asphalt, or other.
(D) History of any spill reports listed by incident number.
(E) Site proximity to both human and environmentally sensitive areas, such as residences, schools, wells, well fields, or wellhead protection areas described in 327 IAC 8-4.1.
(F) Backfill and site natural soil texture.
(5) A site-specific map or maps with illustrated legends and compass directions, and at appropriate scale to show site details, described as follows:
(A) Drainage features, surface slope, or surface water run-off direction.
(B) Identified aboveground features, such as buildings, roadways, manways, pump islands, and utility and property lines.
(C) Identified subsurface features, such as tanks and excavation pit, piping, and utility conduits.
(D) Locations where samples were taken, soil borings made, and monitoring wells drilled.
(E) Location of active and previously closed tanks, as applicable.
(F) Site surroundings, such as adjacent buildings, businesses, or human and environmentally sensitive areas, such as residences, schools, wells, well fields, or wellhead protection areas delineated in 327 IAC 8-4.1.
(6) Information for the UST being closed as follows:
(A) The number and volume of tanks.
(B) Past and present contents of the tank.
(C) Construction material of the tank.
(D) Construction and material of piping.
(E) Age and installation date of the tank.
(F) Leak detection methods used.
(G) Records of the most current tank tightness test results.
(H) Records of any other current leak detection method results, including the inventory records, ground water, or vapor monitoring results.
(I) Information on any previously closed UST system, such as the date closed and the number, size, and product stored.
(7) Physical and chemical results of the samples taken under subdivision (1) as follows:
(A) Data from analysis of soil samples presented in a tabular format.
(B) Data from analysis of water samples presented in a tabular format.
(C) A signed laboratory certificate of analysis listing analysis method, preparation method, date of sample receipt, and date of analysis.
(D) Proper sample identification numbers for cross-reference to UST site maps.
(E) Chain of custody documentation.
(F) Description of the sampling procedures, sampling equipment, and decontamination procedures.
(G) Data from analyses of used oil sampling, as applicable.
(8) Miscellaneous closure documentation as follows:
(A) Contaminated soil and contaminated water disposal documentation.
(B) Remaining product and sludge disposal documentation.
(C) Tank and piping disposal documentation.
(c) If one (1) or more additional tanks are discovered during a closure, the owner and operator shall:
(1) close each additional tank under this rule; and
(2) supply all known information specified in subsection (b) on each additional tank in the site assessment.
(d) If, at any time during the site assessment, a release is either suspected or confirmed in the backfill, native soil, or ground water, the owner or operator shall:
(1) contact the department to report the suspected or confirmed release within twenty-four (24) hours after the release is suspected or confirmed; and
(2) proceed with corrective action under 40 CFR 280, Subpart F*.
(e) The permanent closure or change-in-service is not considered complete until all permanent closure or change-in-service requirements and site assessment requirements are met.
(f) If the site assessment is incomplete, the owner or operator shall be notified by the commissioner and shall have forty-five (45) days from receipt of the notice to complete the site assessment.
(g) If the UST contains hazardous substances, the owner and operator shall perform sampling and analyses for the chemical of concern.

*This document is incorporated by reference. Copies may be obtained from the Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov, or are available for review at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Office of Legal Counsel, Indiana Government Center North, 100 North Senate Avenue, Thirteenth Floor, Indianapolis, IN 46204.

329 IAC 9-6-2.5

Solid Waste Management Board; 329 IAC 9-6-2.5; filed Aug 30, 2004, 9:35 a.m.: 28 IR 168
Filed 5/29/2018, 3:35 p.m.: 20180627-IR-329160204FRA
Filed 9/12/2023, 4:27 p.m.: 20231011-IR-329200025FRA