326 Ind. Admin. Code 8-1-2

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 326 IAC 8-1-2 - Compliance methods

Authority: IC 13-14-8

Affected: IC 13-17

Sec. 2.

(a) The emission limitations specified in this article shall be achieved through one (1) or any combination of the following:
(1) Carbon adsorption.
(2) Thermal or catalytic incineration. The owner or operator of a source using a natural gas afterburner incineration method may petition the commissioner for permission to not operate the natural gas afterburner during the months of November, December, January, February, and March. The commissioner may allow such exemption if the owner or operator adequately demonstrates that the operation of the natural gas afterburner is not required for control of toxic substances or odor.
(3) Higher solids (low solvent) coatings, including powder, ultraviolet, and electron beam coatings.
(4) Waterborne coatings.
(5) Equivalent emission limitations based on an actual measured transfer efficiency greater than the specified baseline transfer efficiency as follows:
(A) This subdivision is applicable only to the following:
(i) 326 IAC 8-2-2(b)(2), automobiles and light duty truck assembly operations.
(ii) 326 IAC 8-2-6, metal furniture coating operations.
(iii) 326 IAC 8-2-7, large appliance coating operations.
(iv) 326 IAC 8-2-9, miscellaneous metal coating operations.
(B) For metal furniture coating operations, large appliance coating operations, or miscellaneous metal coating operations, this subdivision and the equivalent emission limits it contains may not be used to determine compliance unless a test method for determining actual measured transfer efficiency has been specified by U.S. EPA or submitted to U.S. EPA and approved as a SIP revision.
(C) The equivalent emission limitations in units of kilograms of volatile organic compounds (VOC) per liter solids deposited (pounds of VOC per gallon solids deposited), baseline transfer efficiencies, and baseline volume percent solids content of the coating are specified below:

Category Equivalent Emission Limit Baseline Transfer Efficiency Baseline Volume Percent Solids
Automobiles and light duty trucks assembly (topcoat) 1.83 (15.1) 30 62.0
Metal furniture 1.01 (8.4) 60 59.2
Large appliances 0.91 (7.4) 60 62.0
Miscellaneous metal coating category
Clear coatings 2.08 (17.3) 60 41.6
Air dried up to 90°C 1.34 (11.2) 60 52.4
Extreme performance coatings 1.34 (11.2) 60 52.4
All other coatings and coating systems 1.01 (8.4) 60 59.2

(D) Compliance with an equivalent emission limit shall be determined as follows:
(i) For automobile and light duty topcoating operations and combined primer-surfacer and topcoat operations, use procedures found in "Protocol for Determining the Daily Volatile Organic Compound Emission Rate of Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Primer-Surfacer and Topcoat Operations"; EPA-453/R-08-002; September 2008*.
(ii) For metal furniture coating operations, large appliance coating operations, or miscellaneous metal coating operations use the following equation:

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Where: E = Actual emissions in pounds of VOC per gallon of coating solids deposited.

L = Actual VOC content in pounds of VOC per gallon of coating, as applied, excluding water and nonphotochemically reactive hydrocarbons.

D = Actual density of the VOC in the coating in pounds per gallon of VOC.

T = Actual measured transfer efficiency.

(6) The use of nonphotochemically reactive hydrocarbons as defined in 326 IAC 1-2-48.
(7) A daily volume-weighted average of all coatings applied in a coating line or printing line subject to the requirements in 326 IAC 8-2 or 326 IAC 8-5-5. Records of daily usage of gallons solids coating and VOC content of each coating, ink, and solvent shall be maintained and made available upon request. Also, records of daily emissions in pounds VOC shall be maintained and made available upon request. If daily records sufficient to determine an accurate daily weighted average are not available, each coating, ink, and solvent shall meet the requirements of the applicable section.
(8) The use of an emission control device specifically allowed under provisions of any rule in this article to meet the emission limitations specified in the rule.
(9) This subdivision is applicable only to dip coating or flow coating operations at miscellaneous metal coating operations subject to 326 IAC 8-2-9 as follows:
(A) For dip coating or flow coating operations only. The equivalent emission limit in kilograms VOC/liter (lb/gallon) of coating solids is as follows:

Miscellaneous metal coating category Limit in kilograms VOC/liter (lb/gallon) of coating less water Equivalent emission limit in kilograms VOC/liter (lb/gallon) of coating solids
Clear coatings 0.52 (4.3) 1.22 (10.2)
Air dried or forced warm air dried at temperatures up to ninety (90)
degrees Celsius (one hundred ninety-four (194) degrees Fahrenheit) 0.42 (3.5) 0.80 (6.7)
Extreme performance coatings 0.42 (3.5) 0.80 (6.7)
All other coatings and coating application systems 0.36 (3.0) 0.61 (5.1)

(B) Compliance with the equivalent emission limit shall be determined by doing the following:
(i) Calculate the VOC content of a dip coating or flow coating, expressed in units of weight of VOC per volume of coating solids, on a thirty (30) day rolling average basis using the following equation: VOCA = (3(Woi × Dci × Qi) + 3 (WoJ × DdJ × QJ))/(3(Vni × Qi))

Where: VOCA = The as-applied, VOC content in pound VOC per gallon (lb VOC/gal) of coating solids for a dip coating or flow coating, calculated on a thirty (30) day rolling average basis.

Woi = Percent VOC by weight of each as supplied coating (i) added to the dip coating or flow coating process, expressed as a decimal fraction (that is 55% = 0.55).

Dci = Density of each as supplied coating (i) added to the dip coating or flow coating process, in pounds per gallon.

Qi = Quantity of each as supplied coating (i) added to the dip coating or flow coating process, in gallons.

Vni = Percent solids by volume of each as supplied coating (i) added to the dip coating or flow coating process, expressed as a decimal fraction.

WoJ = Percent VOC by weight of each thinner (J) added to the dip coating or flow coating process, expressed as a decimal fraction.

DdJ = Density of each thinner (J) added to the dip coating or flow coating process, in pounds per gallon.

QJ = Quantity of each thinner (J) added to the dip coating or flow coating process, in gallons.

(ii) Maintain the following records on a daily basis for each VOC-containing coating, solvent, or other material added to the tank:
(AA) The following parameters for each coating, thinner, or other material as supplied:
(aa) The coating, thinner, or other material identification number.
(bb) The volume used.
(cc) The mix ratio.
(dd) The density or specific gravity.
(ee) The weight percent of total volatiles, water, solids, and exempt solvents.
(ff) The volume percent of solids.
(BB) The VOC content of each coating and thinner as supplied.
(CC) The VOC content of each as-applied coating.
(iii) Maintain all records necessary to confirm compliance as follows:
(AA) On site for the most recent three (3) year period.
(BB) Make reasonably accessible for an additional two (2) years.
(b) VOC emissions shall be limited to not greater than the equivalent emissions, expressed as pounds of VOC per gallon of coating solids, allowed under the applicable emission limitation contained in this article for any surface coating operation using the compliance methods contained in subsection (a) or section 5 of this rule as follows:
(1) Equivalency shall be determined by the following equation:

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Where: E = Equivalent emission limit in pounds of VOC per gallon of coating solids, as applied.

L = Applicable emission limit from this article in pounds of VOC per gallon of coating.

D = Baseline solvent density of VOC in the coating and shall be equal to seven and thirty-six hundredths (7.36) pounds of VOC per gallon of solvent.

(2) Compliance with an equivalent emission limit established in subdivision (1) shall be determined according to the following equation:

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Where: Ea = Actual emissions in pounds of VOC per gallon of coating solids, as applied.

La = Actual VOC content in pounds of VOC per gallon of coating, as applied.

Da = Actual density of the VOC in the coating, as applied, in pounds per gallon of VOC.

(c) The overall efficiency of any capture system and control device determined by the test methods and procedures specified in section 4 of this rule shall be not less than the equivalent overall efficiency, which shall be calculated by the following equation:

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Where: V = The actual VOC content of the coating or, if multiple coatings are used, the daily weighted average VOC content of all coatings, as applied to the subject coating line as determined by the applicable test methods and procedures specified in section 4 of this rule in units of pounds of VOC per gallon of coating solids as applied.

E = Equivalent emission limit in pounds of VOC per gallon of coating solids as applied.

O = Equivalent overall efficiency of the capture system and control device as a percentage.

(d) Any other equivalent method must be submitted and approved as a SIP revision by U.S. EPA before it can be used to determine or achieve compliance with any provision of this article.

*This document is incorporated by reference and may be obtained from the Library Services Office (MD-35), United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality, Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 or is available for review and copying at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Office of Air Quality, Indiana Government Center North, Tenth Floor, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.

326 IAC 8-1-2

Air Pollution Control Board; 326 IAC 8-1-2; filed Mar 10, 1988, 1:20 p.m.: 11 IR 2527; errata, 11 IR 2632; filed Sep 23, 1988, 11:59 a.m.: 12 IR 256; filed Jan 16, 1990, 4:00 p.m.: 13 IR 1016; filed Apr 18, 1990, 4:55 p.m.: 13 IR 1676; filed May 9, 1990, 5:00 p.m.: 13 IR 1845; filed May 6, 1991, 4:45 p.m.: 14 IR 1713; filed Aug 21, 1996, 2:00 p.m.: 20 IR 6; filed Nov 15, 2002, 11:27 a.m.: 26 IR 1073; filed Nov 3, 2009, 3:29 p.m.: 20091202-IR-326090220FRA; errata filed Nov 18, 2009, 3:43 p.m.: 20091216-IR-326090220ACA