326 Ind. Admin. Code 7-4.1-20

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 326 IAC 7-4.1-20 - U.S. Steel-Gary Works sulfur dioxide emission limitations

Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-17-3-4; IC 13-17-3-11

Affected: IC 13-15; IC 13-17

Sec. 20.

(a) U.S. Steel-Gary Works, Source Identification Number 00121, shall comply with the following sulfur dioxide emission limitations in pounds per million British thermal units (MMBtu) and pounds per hour:

Emissions Unit Description Emission Limit lbs/MMBtu Emission Limit lbs/hour
(1) Turboblower Boiler House:
(A) Boilers Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 5:
(i) When four (4) boilers are operating 0.427 700.0 total
(ii) When three (3) boilers are operating 0.569 700.0 total
(iii) When two (2) boilers or less are operating 0.854 700.0 total
(B) Boiler No. 6 0.115 81.7
(2) Number 4 Boiler House Boiler Nos. 1, 2, and 3:
(A) When three (3) boilers are operating 0.353 529.0 total
(B) When two (2) boilers are operating 0.529 529.0 total
(C) When one (1) boiler is operating 1.058 529.0 total
(3) Blast Furnace Stove Stacks:
(A) No. 4 0.115 40.25 total
(B) No. 6 0.115 40.25 total
(C) No. 8 0.115 37.38 total
(D) No. 13 0.134 93.50 total
(4) 84-inch Hot Strip Mill:
(A) Waste Heat Boiler Nos. 1 and 2 0.260 58.8 each
(B) Continuous Reheat Furnaces Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4:
(i) When four (4) furnaces are operating 0.182 436.5 total
(ii) When three (3) furnaces are operating 0.243 436.5 total
(iii) When two (2) furnaces are operating 0.354 436.5 total
(iv) When one (1) furnace is operating 0.728 436.5 total
(5) Number 3 Sinter Plant Windbox Gas Cleaning Systems 200 total
(6) No. 13 Blast Furnace Casthouse Baghouse 115
(7) No. 2 Q-BOP Shop Hot Metal Desulf Baghouse 0.05 pounds per ton hot metal 28.54
(8) No. 1 BOP Shop Hot Metal Desulf Baghouse 0.05 pounds per ton hot metal 28.54

(b) U.S. Steel-Gary Works shall comply with additional sulfur dioxide emission requirements as follows:
(1) U.S. Steel-Gary Works shall record and make available to IDEM, upon request, process and fuel use information pertaining to each emissions unit, process, or combustion unit identified in this section, including the following:
(A) Identification of the applicable limit.
(B) The amount and type of each fuel used for each emissions unit for each calendar day of operation.
(C) The operating scenario chosen for the U.S. Steel-Gary Works.
(D) The hourly sulfur dioxide emission rate in pounds of sulfur dioxide per hour calculated by dividing the total daily sulfur dioxide emissions in pounds of sulfur dioxide per day by twenty-four (24) hours.
(E) The hourly sulfur dioxide emission rate in pounds of sulfur dioxide per MMBtu for those emissions units with a pounds of sulfur dioxide per MMBtu limit in this rule calculated by dividing the total daily sulfur dioxide emissions in pounds of sulfur dioxide per day by the total heat input per day in MMBtu.
(2) U.S. Steel-Gary Works shall submit an exception report to the department within thirty (30) days of an exceedance of the limitations in this section that includes the following:
(A) Identification of the applicable limit or limits being exceeded.
(B) Identification of any emissions unit exceeding the applicable limit and the dates when the limits were exceeded.
(C) The calculated sulfur dioxide emission rate in pounds per hour for each emissions unit exceeding the limitations for the days that the pounds per hour limitations were exceeded.
(D) The calculated sulfur dioxide emission rate in pounds per MMBtu for each combustion unit, furnace, boiler, or process operation for each emissions unit exceeding the pounds per MMBtu limitations for the days that the limitations were exceeded.
(E) The actual daily fuel usage for each combustion unit, furnace, boiler, or process operation for each emissions unit exceeding the limitations for the days that the limitations were exceeded.
(3) An emission unit must burn natural gas only:
(A) if it is not listed in this rule; or
(B) under any operating condition not specifically listed in this rule.

326 IAC 7-4.1-20

Air Pollution Control Board; 326 IAC 7-4.1-20; filed May 25, 2005, 10:50 a.m.: 28 IR 2962
Amended filed 1/22/2018, 3:45 p.m.: 20180221-IR-326170282FRA