326 Ind. Admin. Code 3-5-7

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 326 IAC 3-5-7 - Reporting requirements

Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-17-3-4; IC 13-17-3-11

Affected: IC 13-14-4-3; IC 13-15; IC 13-17

Sec. 7.

(a) The owner or operator of a source or emissions unit subject to this rule shall submit a monitoring report to the department in accordance with this section.
(b) The owner or operator shall submit the monitoring report in accordance with the following requirements:
(1) The owner or operator of sources or emissions units subject to the requirements of section 1 of this rule shall report excess emissions no less frequently than quarterly. For the owner or operator of a source or emissions unit for which quarterly reports are required, the reports shall be:
(A) submitted by the source or emissions unit owner or operator to the department; and
(B) postmarked or delivered by other means no later than thirty (30) calendar days following the last day of the reporting period.
(2) If a permit specifies or a rule requires more frequent reports, the reports shall be:
(A) submitted by the source or emissions unit owner or operator to the department; and
(B) postmarked or delivered by other means no later than fifteen (15) calendar days after the end of each month.
(3) Gaseous excess emissions data reports shall be reported using three (3) hour block periods ending at:
(A) 03:00;
(B) 06:00;
(C) 09:00;
(D) 12:00;
(E) 15:00;
(F) 18:00;
(G) 21:00; and
(H) 24:00;

unless the emissions unit must demonstrate compliance with a different averaging period as specified by an applicable rule or permit condition, such as daily (twenty-four (24) hour) average or thirty (30) day averages.

(c) The monitoring report shall contain the following continuous monitoring information summaries, with all times reported in real time:
(1) Monitored emission unit operation time during the reporting period.
(2) Excess emissions or parameters, as applicable, reported in units of the standard, or the applicable parameter unit as follows:
(A) Date of excess emissions, or other applicable dates.
(B) Time of commencement and completion for each applicable parameter deviation or excess emission data.
(3) Magnitude of each excess emission as follows:
(A) For opacity as follows:
(i) The actual percent opacity of all six (6) minute (block) averages exceeding the applicable opacity limit shall be reported. If an exceedance occurs continuously beyond one (1) six (6) minute period, the percent opacity for each six (6) minute period or the highest six (6) minute average opacity for the entire period shall be reported.
(ii) For department approved opacity averaging times other than six (6) minutes, the actual percent opacity of each averaging period in excess of the applicable limit shall be reported.
(iii) A summary by cause shall be prepared and submitted as part of this report itemizing exceedances by cause.
(B) For gaseous emissions, the excess emissions, in units of the applicable standard, must be reported based on the applicable averaging time, in addition to any other reporting requirements that may be applicable. The averaging time is specified in the applicable federal or state rules, or in the operating permit for the emissions unit.
(4) Continuous monitoring system instrument downtime, except for zero (0) and span checks, shall include the following:
(A) Date of downtime.
(B) Time of commencement.
(C) Duration of each downtime.
(D) Reasons for each downtime.
(E) Nature of system repairs and adjustments.
(d) If there are no excess emissions or monitor downtime in a reporting period, the owner or operator of a emissions unit subject to this rule shall submit a report indicating that no excess emissions or downtime incidents occurred in the reporting period that includes the start and end dates of the time period.

326 IAC 3-5-7

Air Pollution Control Board; 326 IAC 3-5-7; filed Jan 30, 1998, 4:00 p.m.: 21 IR 2071; filed Aug 11, 2011, 1:54 p.m.: 20110907-IR-326050330FRA