Section 312 IAC 9-4-2.5 - Mute swansAuthority: IC 14-10-2-4; IC 14-22-2-6; IC 14-22-6-2
Affected: IC 14-22
Sec. 2.5.
(a) An individual may possess a live mute swan only if each of the following is satisfied: (1) The swan is pinioned before six (6) weeks of age.(2) The swan is in an enclosure that prevents its escape into the wild.(b) A wing of each swan must be pinioned so the: (1) metacarpal bones of one (1) wing or a portion of the metacarpal bones are removed; and(2) swan is permanently incapable of flight.(c) An individual may sell a live mute swan only if each of the following is satisfied:(1) The swan is pinioned by six (6) weeks of age.(2) The swan: (A) is not released into the wild; and(B) will be held in an enclosure that prevents its escape into the wild.(3) The individual keeps an inventory of the number of mute swans possessed, including all swans that are born or die, and all transactions by which a mute swan is sold, traded, loaned, bartered, or given to another individual. The individual must issue a valid, dated receipt for all mute swans sold, traded, bartered, or gifted and include the following information:(A) The name and address of the buyer or person to whom the mute swans were gifted.(B) The name and address of the seller.(C) The number of mute swans sold.Natural Resources Commission; 312 IAC 9-4-2.5; filed Apr 1, 2008, 10:28 a.m.: 20080430-IR-312070735FRA; readopted filed Nov 24, 2008, 11:08 a.m.: 20081210-IR-312080672RFA; Readopted filed 5/20/2014, 9:43 a.m.: 20140618-IR-312140017RFAReadopted filed 9/18/2019, 1:16 p.m.: 20191016-IR-312190325RFA