Rule 312 IAC 29-22 - Well Stimulation Treatments
- Section 312 IAC 29-22-1 - Applicability
- Section 312 IAC 29-22-2 - Baseline groundwater monitoring for well stimulation treatments exceeding 5,000 barrels
- Section 312 IAC 29-22-3 - Spill prevention and containment during well stimulation treatment operations
- Section 312 IAC 29-22-4 - Spill prevention, containment, and response plan for sites with storage capacity exceeding 5,000 barrels
- Section 312 IAC 29-22-5 - Protection of well head equipment and casing during hydraulic fracture stimulation operations
- Section 312 IAC 29-22-6 - Well stimulation treatment plans for operations using 5,000 barrels or more of total fluid
- Section 312 IAC 29-22-7 - Notification requirements to the oil and gas inspector
- Section 312 IAC 29-22-8 - Reporting of hydraulic fracturing information
- Section 312 IAC 29-22-9 - Use of diesel fuel during hydraulic fracture stimulation operations