Section 31 IAC 5-9-13 - Long-term disability; recurrence, continued treatmentAuthority: IC 4-15-2.2-19; IC 5-10-8-7
Affected: IC 4-15; IC 22-3-2
Sec. 13.
(a) An employee who returns to work from a long-term disability and returns to nonwork status within six (6) months will not begin a new benefit period or be subject to a new elimination period if the second disability is the same as the first. The entire period of absence will be considered as one (1) continuous period resulting from the same disability.(b) If the employee returns to work but periodically needs time off for ongoing medical treatment related to the disability, the sporadic absences for treatment may be compensated at the basic benefit rate or, at the employee's option, the employee may use accrued leave and receive full compensation.State Personnel Department; 31 IAC 5-9-13; filed May 10, 2012, 2:32 p.m.: 20120606-IR-031110446FRAReadopted filed 6/1/2018, 9:50 a.m.: 20180627-IR-031180194RFAFiled 8/19/2024, 5:25 p.m.: 20240918-IR-031240179FRA