Section 240 IAC 1-4-18 - Reappointment procedureAuthority: IC 10-11-2-10
Affected: IC 10-11-1; IC 10-11-2-12; IC 10-11-2-14
Sec. 18.
(a) A former employee seeking reappointment as a police officer to the department shall submit a letter of request to the superintendent stating the reasons therefor, his present address, the names and addresses of all his employers since leaving the department, the nature of the work performed in each employment and any other activities bearing on the request.(b) A police employee may be re-employed as a civilian after retirement as outlined in 240 IAC 1-5. (1) The superintendent may deny the request or refer it for further processing.(2) If the request for reappointment is to be considered further, an investigation shall be conducted in the former employee's home community, among his recent employers, his former commanding officers, and other department associates.(3) The former employee shall be scheduled to appear before the personnel board for an interview.(4) The applicant shall meet all the requirements for police employees as specified in 240 IAC 1-4-2 and 240 IAC 1-4-3 subject to the approval of the superintendent and the board.(5) Before being reappointed, shall have demonstrated in his activities with the department and his record since leaving the department, that he is outstanding in character and ability and that he would be of greater value to the department than a new employee.(6) Must be approved by the superintendent and the board, before being reappointed.(7) May, at the discretion of the superintendent, be required to attend the next session of the department's pre-duty training school.State Police Department; 240 IAC 1-4-18; filed Jan 6, 1983, 8:23 am: 6 IR 326; readopted filed Oct 17, 2001, 10:05 a.m.: 25 IR 935; readopted filed Jul 2, 2007, 3:01 p.m.: 20070711-IR-240070255RFA; readopted filed Dec 2, 2013, 10:29 a.m.: 20140101-IR-240130458RFA