Current through January 8, 2025
Section 105 IAC 16-1-3 - Conduit installation; when allowedAuthority: IC 8-23-2-6; IC 8-23-5-10
Affected: IC 8-23-5-10
Sec. 3.
(a) A conduit bank may be installed in the right-of-way while the department is performing certain types of work. Unless otherwise determined by the department, [sic, the] following are instances of when conduit may be installed in the right-of-way:(1) Any work performed alters the limits of the right-of-way, such as added travel lanes and construction or reconstruction of interchanges, bridges or overpasses.(2) Work necessitates the relocation of sanitary sewer or storm drainage.(3) Addition of travel lanes, ramp systems or other significant traffic pattern changes to the existing systems occurs.(4) Reconstruction includes excavation or other alterations to the sub grade layer.(5) Construction projects identified by ITS as a need for installation of facilities for state use.(6) Installation shall be a minimum of fifty (50) feet from existing bridges, overpasses, walls, small pipes, lights, ITS or any other department structure.(7) Costs for installation would be primarily state funds.(8) Private entities bid the work as part of the normal contracting process for the road work to be performed.(9) Any ITS project placing conduit for performance upgrade will include additional conduits.(b) Conduit may not be installed in the department's right-of-way under the following conditions: (1) At locations that may have a high potential to conflict with proposed construction, highway maintenance, roadway operations, highway safety or future highway improvements. Examples include: (A) Deep highway cut sections.(B) Near footings of bridges or other highway structures.(C) Diagonally across intersections.(D) Cross-drains where flow of water, drift or stream bed may be obstructed.(E) Longitudinally in or under a ditch.(F) Wet or rocky terrain where minimum depth of cover would be difficult to attain.(G) Soft soils subject to excess settlement.(H) Median installations.(I) Slip liner installation.(K) Spot paving or strip paving.Indiana Department of Transportation; 105 IAC 16-1-3; emergency rule filed 12/16/2021, 12:43 p.m.: 20211222-IR-105210537ERA, eff Jan 1, 2022