- Section 178.100 - General
- Section 178.200 - Incorporation by Reference of 49 CFR 178
- Section 178.321 - Specification MC 300; Cargo Tanks Constructed of Mild (Open-Hearth or Blue Annealed) Steel, or Combination of Mild Steel with High-Tensile Steel, or Stainless Steel, Primarily For the Transportation of Flammable Liquids or Poisonous Liquids, Class B (Repealed)
- Section 178.322 - Specification MC 301; Cargo Tanks Constructed of Welded Aluminum Alloy (Grade 3S), To Be Mounted On and To Form Part Of Tank Motor Vehicles for Transportation of Flammable Liquids, and Poisonous Liquids, Class B (Repealed)
- Section 178.323 - Specification MC 302; Cargo Tanks Constructed of Welded Aluminum Alloy (ASTM B209-57T), Primarily For the Transportation of Flammable Liquids, or Poisonous Liquids, Class B (Repealed)
- Section 178.324 - Specification MC 303; Cargo Tanks Constructed of Welded Ferrous Alloy (High-Tensile Steel), or Stainless Steel, Primarily For the Transportation of Flammable Liquids, or Poisonous Liquids, Class B (Repealed)
- Section 178.325 - Specification MC 304; Cargo Tanks Constructed of Mild (Open Hearth or Blue Annealed) Steel, Welded Ferrous Alloy (High-Tensile) Steel, or Aluminum, Primarily For the Transportation of Flammable Liquids, or Poisonous Liquids, Class B, Having Reid (ASTM D-323) Vapor Pressures of 18 PSIA or More at 100°F., But Less Than Those Stated in 92 Ill. Adm. Code 173.300, In Defining Compressed Gases (Repealed)
- Section 178.326 - Specification MC 305; Cargo Tanks Constructed of Aluminum Alloys for High-Strength Welded Construction, Primarily For the Transportation of Flammable Liquids, or Poisonous Liquids, Class B (Repealed)
- Section 178.330 - Specification MC 310; Cargo Tanks Constructed of Ferrous Materials, Primarily For the Transportation of Corrosive Liquids (Repealed)
- Section 178.331 - Specification MC 311; Cargo Tanks Constructed of Ferrous Metals or Aluminum, Primarily For the Transportation of Corrosive Liquids (Repealed)
- Section 178.336 - Specification MC 330; Cargo Tanks Constructed of Steel, Primarily For Transportation of Compressed Gases (Repealed)
- Section 178.337 - Specification MC 331; Cargo Tanks Constructed of Steel, Primarily For Transportation of Compressed Gases, As Defined In the Compressed Gas Section (Repealed)
- Section 178.340 - General Design and Construction Requirements Applicable to Specifications MC 306 (Section 178.341), MC 307 (Section 178.342), and MC 312 (Section 178.343) Cargo Tanks (Repealed)
- Section 178.341 - Specification MC 306; Cargo Tanks (Repealed)
- Section 178.342 - Specification MC 307; Cargo Tanks (Repealed)
- Section 178.343 - Specification MC 312; Cargo Tanks (Repealed)
- Section 178.350 - Specification 7A; General Packaging, Type A (Repealed)
- Section 178.1000 - General (Repealed)
- Section 178.2000 - Incorporation By Reference of 49 CFR 178 (Repealed)
- Appendix C - Tensile Specimen (Repealed)
- Appendix D - Material Thickness (Repealed)