Ill. Admin. Code tit. 89, pt. 407, subpt. I, app C

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Appendix C - Equipment for School-Age Children



The quantities of equipment and supplies for school-age programs may be defined in three possible ways:

1) The proportion for the total program size, as defined by the maximum daily attendance of the entire school-age program.

2) The proportion required for each "functional group", defined as the maximum group size allowed in a defined space that can offer a certain activity.

Example 1: If a school-age child care program had 60 participants in three self-contained rooms each containing 20 children and one or more staff, and the lead staff member in each room independently did program planning, the program would contain three "functional groups."

Example 2: A program with 60 participants divided into groups of 20 with a carefully planned curriculum based on rotating each group through specially equipped, limited-purpose rooms would have a functional group size of 20 to 60, depending on how many rooms would potentially have children utilizing a certain function simultaneously.

If Arts and Crafts could be done in only one of the rooms, which held a maximum of 20 children, the functional group size for Arts and Crafts would be 20.

If Dramatic/Creative Play could occur simultaneously with a group of 20 in the gym and another group of 20 in a different room, the functional group size for Dramatic/Creative Play would be 40.

If Fine Motor Activities were potentially available in all three rooms, the functional group size for Fine Motor Activities would be 60.

3) The absolute number of items required regardless of program size or type of scheduling/space utilization.

CATEGORY: Furniture


Quantity Per Functional Group

Quantity Per Program


Seating at tables (type of seating to be based on the type of program).

one per child and staff



Individual spaces for outer clothing and children's belongings.

one per child


If children must sit on the floor, an area rug, mats, carpet squares or carpeting is required.

one cushioned area per child and staff


Lounging area with cushioning (floor pillows, sofa, mats, bean bag chairs). May be a mobile and/or expandable area.

space in area for 20% of the children


Equipment for individual children who need naps. May include exercise mats or cots. Area may be separate from lounging area if non-sleeping children use that area.

one for each child requiring naps

CATEGORY: Active Large-Muscle Equipment - Outdoor


Quantity Per Functional Group

Quantity Per Program


Sports and large-muscle development equipment.


Sports equipment may include: baseball/softball, jump rope, soft foam football, volleyball, badminton, Frisbee, four-square, shuffle board, tug-of-war rope, scoops/balls, parachute, logs, basketball, soccer ball, T-ball, croquet, hockey, hula hoop, roller skates, nonsteel belted tires punctured to drain water.

CATEGORY: Active Large-Muscle Equipment - Indoor


Quantity Per Functional Group

Quantity Per Program


Sufficient equipment for the sport, number of children and length of program day. Indoor sports equipment may include the items listed under outdoor equipment, plus beach, ping pong and soft foam balls.

four per group of 20 children, one for every five children over the group of 20

one piece for every additional 25% of children not included in functional group calculation

CATEGORY: Arts and Crafts


Quantity Per Functional Group

Quantity Per Program


Scissors/paintbrushes (age-appropriate)

one per child up to ten children; one per three additional children in the functional group


Expendable art supplies for simple arts and crafts activities; paper (construction, computer, chalk charcoal); drawing or doodling paper; paints, easel; crayons, markers, colored pencils; tape, paste, glue; collage materials; finger paints.

A sufficient supply of art materials so that each child can participate daily


Extended arts and crafts projects; sewing, knitting, woodworking, leather craft, model building, basket weaving, printing, calligraphy, jewelrymaking, bead work, clay, weaving, lanyards, kitemaking.

minimum of one project and sufficient materials and supplies for 100% of children age 8 and older



Quantity Per Functional Group

Quantity Per Program


Operable equipment to listen to, play or make music (e.g., phonograph, compact disk player, cassette player, radio, rhythm or other instruments, VCR).

at least one


Records, cassettes, compact disks or music videos.

ten from any categories for which the program has equipment

CATEGORY: Dramatic/Creative Play


Quantity Per Functional Group

Quantity Per Program


Dress-up clothing and accessories.

access to one set for 15% of the capacity


Props and sets (e.g., occupations, restaurant, cheerleading).

access to one set


Small, interlocking blocks and accessories (e.g., cars, figures, animals).

Minimum of a full gallon-size container per 20 children


Other blocks; one set of medium unit blocks (minimum of 60) and accessories OR one set of large shoe-box size or larger blocks (minimum of 40) OR large cardboard boxes suitable for building or crating structures.

Access to one set per 20 children

CATEGORY: Literacy Materials


Quantity Per Functional Group

Quantity Per Program





Materials representing literacy activities: -

Writing supplies (pens, pencils and/or (markers, paper)

-Reading materials for children to read themselves or for staff to read to/with children (books, magazines, comic books, cassette read-along books)

-Games that include literacy (Scrabble, Hangman, Jeopardy)

-Other media that improve literacy (cassette tapes and recorder, videotapes/film strips and VCR/projector, computer software with computer, flannel board with materials)

sufficient materials from at least two of the categories so 25% of children may use them at any one time

CATEGORY: Science and Math Materials


Quantity Per Functional Group

Quantity Per Program


Science/math materials representing different activities, such as: plants and planting equipment; small animals (fish, ant farm, etc.); magnifying glass, microscope; rules, scales; clocks; pretend money; thermometers; rocks; water-pouring materials with accessories.

activities representing at least four different science items with sufficient quantities for 25% of children to be engaged at any one time

CATEGORY: Games and Puzzles


Quantity Per Functional Group

Quantity Per Program


Items must be selected from the following categories (no one item may exceed 25% of the requirement):


-Table games (such as,

-Candyland, Chutes & Ladders, Sorry,

Connect Four for younger children and/or shorter time periods; Backgammon, Monopoly, Clue, Chess, Yahtzee for older children and/or longer time periods)

-Card games (Uno, Rummy, Fish, War)

sufficient quantities for 25% of children to be engaged at any one time

CATEGORY: Fine Motor Activities


Quantity Per Functional Group

Quantity Per Program


Manipulative, including: small, interlocking blocks (minimum gallon-size container full) Tinker Toys, jacks, marbles, Pick-up Sticks, dominoes, juggling equipment, erector sets, Bristle Blocks, Lincoln Logs.

sufficient quantities for 25% of children to be engaged at any one time

Ill. Admin. Code tit. 89, pt. 407, subpt. I, app C

Amended at 22 Ill. Reg. 1728, effective January 1, 1998