Subpart D - APPEALS
- Section 240.400 - Appeals and Fair Hearings
- Section 240.405 - Representation
- Section 240.410 - When the Appeal May Be Filed
- Section 240.415 - What May be Appealed
- Section 240.420 - Consolidation of Appeals
- Section 240.425 - Informal Review
- Section 240.430 - Informal Review Findings
- Section 240.435 - Withdrawing an Appeal
- Section 240.436 - Dismissing an Appeal
- Section 240.440 - Exchanging Records and Pre-hearing Conferences
- Section 240.445 - Hearing Officer
- Section 240.450 - The Hearing
- Section 240.451 - Conduct of Hearing
- Section 240.455 - Continuance of the Hearing (Repealed)
- Section 240.460 - Continuance or Postponement of the Hearing
- Section 240.465 - Dismissal Due to Non-Appearance
- Section 240.470 - Rescheduling the Appeal Hearing
- Section 240.475 - Recommendations of Hearing Officer
- Section 240.480 - The Appeal Decision
- Section 240.485 - Reviewing the Official Report of the Hearing