2) Days Not Available from Cost Report Certain types of inpatient days of care provided to Title XIX recipients are not available from the cost report, i.e., Medicare/Medicaid crossover claims, out-of-state Title XIX Medicaid utilization levels, Medicaid managed care entity (MCE) days, hospital residing long term care days, and Medicaid days for alcohol and substance abuse sub-acute care under category of service 035. To obtain Medicaid utilization levels in these instances, the Department shall utilize:
A) Medicare/Medicaid Crossover Claims. The Department will utilize the Department's paid claims data adjudicated through the last day of June preceding the DSH determination year for each hospital's base fiscal year.B) Out-of-state Title XIX Utilization Levels. Hospital statements and verification reports from other states will be required to verify out-of-state Medicaid recipient utilization levels. The information submitted must include only those days of care provided to out-of-state Medicaid recipients during the hospital's base fiscal year.C) MCE days. The Department will utilize the Department's MCE claims data available to the Department as of the last day of June preceding the DSH determination year, or specific claim information from each MCE, for each hospital's base fiscal year to determine the number of inpatient days provided to recipients enrolled in an MCE.D) Hospital Residing Long Term Care Days. The Department will utilize the Department's paid claims data adjudicated through the last day of June preceding the DSH determination year for each hospital's base fiscal year to determine the number of hospital residing long term care days provided to recipients.E) Alcohol and Substance Abuse Days. The Department will utilize its paid claims data under category of service 35 available to the Department as of the last day of June preceding the DSH determination year for each hospital's base fiscal year to determine the number of inpatient days provided for alcohol and substance abuse rehabilitative care.