- Section 470.101 - Definitions
- Section 470.105 - Disposition of Tax Monies
- Section 470.110 - Imposition of Tax
- Section 470.115 - Effective Period of Act
- Section 470.120 - Returns
- Section 470.125 - Gross Amount of Transactions or Billings Basis of Tax
- Section 470.130 - Certificate of Registration
- Section 470.131 - Enterprise Zone Exemption
- Section 470.132 - Reimagining Energy and Vehicles in Illinois Act Project Site Exemption
- Section 470.133 - Manufacturing Illinois Chips for Real Opportunity (MICRO) Act Project Site Exemption
- Section 470.135 - Books and Records
- Section 470.140 - Claims to Recover Erroneously Paid Tax
- Section 470.145 - Furnishing of Gas
- Section 470.150 - Gas Sold to and by Building Operators
- Section 470.155 - Transactions in Interstate Commerce
- Section 470.160 - Sales of Gas to the United States Government
- Section 470.165 - Services Furnished the State of Illinois, its Departments, Agencies, Counties, Municipalities or Other Political Subdivisions
- Section 470.170 - Services Furnished to Religious, Scientific, Educational and Charitable Institutions
- Section 470.171 - Exclusion for Charges Made to Customers Who Acquired Contractual Rights to Purchase Out-of-State Gas or Gas Services Prior to March 1, 1995 (Repealed)
- Section 470.172 - Exclusion from Tax for Transactions Involving Customers Who Incur Gas Use Tax
- Section 470.175 - Meter Readings
- Section 470.180 - Services Furnished to Officers or Employees
- Section 470.185 - Interdepartmental Transfers
- Section 470.190 - Discounts, Penalties and Finance or Interest Charges
- Section 470.195 - Sales of Appliances, Equipment or Services Subject to Other Tax Acts