Architect and engineer plans and specifications including supervision
Boilers, furnaces, piping, wiring, fixtures, and machinery for heating, lighting, signaling, ventilating and air conditioning systems, plumbing, vacuum cleaning systems, incinerator and smoke pipe flues, ect.
Bulkheads, including dredging, riprap fill, piling, decking, concrete fenders, etc., when exposed and subject to maintenance and replacement
Commissions and fees to brokers, agents, architects and others
Conduit (not to be removed) with its contents
Damages to abutting property during construction
Drainage systems
Elevators, cranes, hoists, ect., and the machinery for operating them
Excavation, including shoring, bracing, bridging, refill and disposal of excess excavated material, cofferdams around foundation, pumping water from cofferdam during construction, test borings
Fences and fence curbs (not including protective fences isolating items of equipment which should be charged to the appropriate equipment account)
Fire protection systems when forming a part of a structure
Floor covering (permanently attached)
Foundations and piers for machinery, constructed as a permanent part of a building or other item listed herein
Grading and clearing when directly occasioned by the building of a structure
Intrasite communication system, poles, pole fixtures, wires and cables
Landscaping, laws, shrubbery, etc.
Leases, voiding upon purchase, to secure possession of structures
Lighting fixtures and outside lighting systems
Marquee, permanently attached to building
Painting, first cost
Partitions, including movable
Permanent paving, concrete, brick, flagstone, asphalt, etc., within the property lines
Permits and privileges
Power boards for services to a building
Refrigerating systems for general use
Retaining walls except when identified with land
Scales, connected to and forming a part of a structure
Sidewalks, culverts, curbs and streets constructed by the utility on its property
Sprinkling systems
Stacks-brick, steel, or concrete when set on foundation forming part of general foundation and steelwork of a building
Steel inspection during construction
Storage facilities constituting a part of a building
Storm doors and windows
Temporary heating during construction (net cost)
Temporary water connection during construction (net cost)
Temporary shanties and other facilities used during construction (net cost)
Topographical maps
Tunnels, intake and discharge when constructed as part of a structure including sluice gates and those constructed to house.
Vaults constructed as part of a building
Watchmen's sheds and clock systems (net cost when used during construction only)
Water and sewer systems, for general use
Water meters and supply system for a building or for general company purposes
Water supply piping, hydrants and wells
Yard surfacing, gravel, conrete, or oil (First cost only)
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 83, § 650.354