* Call Handling Agreements shall be made between the 9-11 Authority and public agencies and/or public safety agencies in a single system, and also between the 9-1-1 Authority and/or public agencies or public safety agencies whose jurisdictional boundaries are contiguous. Call Handling Agreements shall describe the primary and secondary dispatch methods to be used by the requesting parties within their respective jurisdictions.
* Aid Outside Jurisdictional Boundaries Agreements shall be made between the 9-1-1 Authority and the public agencies and/or public safety agencies in a single system, and between the 9-1-1 Authority and the public agencies and public safety agencies in adjacent systems, whose jurisdictional boundaries are contiguous. Aid Outside Jurisdictional Boundaries Agreements shall provide that, once an emergency unit is dispatched in response to a request through the system, the unit shall render its services to the requesting party without regard to
whether the unit is operating outside its normal jurisdictional boundaries.
* When possible, these agreements may be consolidated into a single agreement;
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 83, § 1324.200