"Adopted person" means a person who was adopted pursuant to the laws in effect at the time of the adoption (Section 18.06 of the Adoption Act).
"Adoptive parent" means a person who has become a parent through the legal process of adoption (Section 18.06 of the Adoption Act).
"Agency" means a public child welfare agency or a licensed child welfare agency (Section 18.06 of the Adoption Act).
"Birth father" means the biological father of an adopted or surrendered person who is named on the original certificate of live birth or on a consent or surrender document, or a biological father whose paternity has been established by a judgment or order of the court, pursuant to the Illinois Parentage Act of 1984 (Section 18.06 of the Adoption Act).
"Birth mother" means the biological mother of an adopted or surrendered person (Section 18.06 of the Adoption Act).
"Birth parent" means a birth mother or birth father of an adopted or surrendered person (Section 18.06 of the Adoption Act).
"Birth sibling" means the adult full or half sibling of an adopted or surrendered person (Section 18.06 of the Adoption Act).
"Council" means the Adoption Registry Advisory Council created under Section 18.07 of the Adoption Act).
"Denial of Information Exchange" means an affidavit completed by a registrant with the Illinois Adoption Registry and Information Exchange denying the release of identifying information (Section 18.06 of the Adoption Act).
"Department" means the Department of Public Health.
"Information Exchange Authorization" means an affidavit completed by a registrant with the Illinois Adoption Registry and Information Exchange authorizing the release of identifying information (Section 18.06 of the Adoption Act).
"Medical Questionnaire" means the medical history questionnaire completed by a registrant of the Illinois Adoption Registry and Information Exchange (Section 18.06 of the Adoption Act).
"Proof of death" means a certified copy of a death certificate (Section 18.06 of the Adoption Act).
"Registrant" or "registered party" means a birth parent, birth sibling, adopted or surrendered person over the age of 21, or adoptive parent or legal guardian of an adopted or surrendered person under the age of 21 who has filed an Illinois Adoption Registry Application or Registration Identification Form with the Registry (Section 18.06 of the Adoption Act).
"Statistical records" mean non-identifying numerical data tallying the total number of registrations filed by adopted persons, surrendered persons, non-surrendered birth sibilings, adoptive parents, birth parents, and legal guardians; and the total number of registry matches made.
"Surrendered person" means a person whose parents' rights have been surrendered or terminated but who has not been adopted (Section 18.06 of the Adoption Act).
Adoption Registry
Illinois Department of Public Health
Division of Vital Records
605 W. Jefferson
Springfield, Illinois 62702-6553
[Toll free] 877-323-5299 or 217-557-5159
A birth sibling 21 years of age or older who was not surrendered for adoption, and who has submitted proof of death for a deceased birth parent who did not file a Denial of Information Exchange with the Registry before his or her death, may file a Registration Identification Form and an Information Exchange Authorization or a Denial of Information Exchange. If the birth sibling of an adopted or surrendered person was not born in Illinois, then that birth sibling must submit a certified copy of his or her birth certificate with the registration.
An adopted person over the age of 21 or still under guardianship, or a surrendered person over the age of 21, or an adoptive parent or legal guardian of an adopted or surrendered person under the age of 21 may file with the Registry a Registration Identification Form and an Information Exchange Authorization or a Denial of Information Exchange. If registering as the legal guardian of an adopted or surrendered person, then a certified copy of the court order establishing the guardianship must be submitted with the registration. If an adoptive parent or legal guardian of an adopted or surrendered person under the age of 21 files a registration, authorization, or denial, then that registration, authorization, or denial expires when the adopted or surrendered person attains 21 years of age unless the guardianship extends beyond that time, in which case the registration expires when the guardianship expires. After expiration, the Department shall then not release any Registry information and shall close that adoption/surrender records file until the now competent adult adopted or surrendered person files with the Registry a Registration Identification Form, Information Exchange Authorization, or Denial of Information Exchange.
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 77, § 500.47
Amended at 24 Ill. Reg. 11882, effective July 26, 2000