- Section 264.1000 - Scope and Purpose
- Section 264.1050 - Definitions
- Section 264.1100 - Incorporated and Referenced Materials
- Section 264.1200 - Information Available for Public Inspection
- Section 264.1250 - General Requirements for Licensure
- Section 264.1300 - Application for Initial and Renewal License
- Section 264.1400 - Inspections and Investigations
- Section 264.1450 - Notice of Violation and Plan of Correction
- Section 264.1500 - Adverse Licensure Action and Administrative Hearings
- Section 264.1525 - Policies and Procedures, Employee Training, and Best Practices Requirements
- Section 264.1550 - Admission Protocols for Acceptance of Birth Center Clients
- Section 264.1600 - Governing Body
- Section 264.1650 - Length of Stay
- Section 264.1700 - Client Rights
- Section 264.1750 - Personnel
- Section 264.1800 - Clinical Care and Service Requirements
- Section 264.1950 - Discharge Policies and Procedures
- Section 264.2000 - Infection Control
- Section 264.2050 - Disposal of Medical Waste
- Section 264.2100 - Emergency Services
- Section 264.2150 - Laboratory and Pharmacy Services
- Section 264.2200 - Clinical Records
- Section 264.2250 - Transfer Agreement
- Section 264.2300 - Equipment
- Section 264.2350 - Environmental Management
- Section 264.2400 - Food Services
- Section 264.2450 - Quality Assurance and Improvement
- Section 264.2500 - Reporting Requirements