Ill. Admin. Code tit. 62 § 220.170

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 220.170 - Miscellaneous
a) Communication in work areas.

No employee shall be assigned, allowed or required to perform work alone in any area where conditions exist that would endanger his safety unless he can communicate with other, can be heard, or can or will be seen at predetermined intervals.

b) Emergency communications; requirements.
1) Each operator of a surface coal mine shall establish and maintain a communication system from the mine to the nearest point of medical assistance for use in an emergency.
2) The emergency communication system required to be maintained under paragraph (b)(1) of this Section may be established by telephone or radio transmission or by any other means of prompt communication to any facility (for example, the local sheriff, the State Highway Patrol, or local hospital) which has available the means of communication with the person or persons providing emergency medical assistance or transportation in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (b)(1) of this Section.
c) Arrangements for emergency medical assistance and transportation for injured person; reporting requirements; posting requirements.
1) Each operator of a surface coal mine shall make arrangements with a licensed physician, medical service, medical clinic, or hospital to provide twenty-four (24) hour emergency medical assistance for any person injured at the mine.
2) Each operator shall make arrangements with an ambulance service, or otherwise provide for twenty-four (24) hour emergency transportation for any person injured at the mine.
3) Each operator shall, immediately after making an arrangement required under the provisions of paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this Section, of immediately after any change, of such agreement, post at appropriate places at the mine the names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of all persons or services currently available under such arrangements to provide medical assistance and transportation at the mine.
4) Wherever possible the shortest access route from public roads shall be provided and maintained to and from work areas for the ambulance service.
d) First aid training; supervisory employees.

Each operator of a surface coal mine shall conduct a first aid training course for selected supervisory employees at the mine and report on such training course in writing to the representative of the Department.

e) First aid training program; Availability of instruction to all miners.

Each operator of a surface coal mine shall make available to all miners employed in the mine a course of instruction in first aid conducted by the operator or under the auspices of the operator, and such a course of instruction shall be made available to newly employed miners within six (6) months after the date of employment.

f) First aid training program; retraining of supervisory employees; availability to all miners.

Each operator of a surface coal mine shall conduct refresher first aid training programs each calendar year for all selected supervisory employees and make available refresher first aid training courses to all miners employed in the mine.

g) First aid training program; minimum requirements.
1) All first aid training programs required under the provisions of Sections 220.170(d) and 220.170(e) shall include ten (10) class hours of training in a course of instruction similar to that outlined in "First Aid, a Bureau of Mines Instruction Manual".
2) Refresher first aid training programs required under the provisions of Section 220.170(f) shall include five (5) class hours of refresher training in a course of instruction similar to that outlined "First Aid, a Bureau of Mines Instruction Manual".
h) First aid equipment; location; minimum requirements.
1) Each operator of a surface coal mine shall maintain a supply of the first aid equipment set forth in paragraph (h)(2) of this Section at or near each working place where coal is being mined, at each preparation plant and at shops and other surface installations where ten (10) or more persons are regularly employed.
2) The first aid equipment required to be maintained under the provisons of paragraph (h)(1) of this Section shall include at least the following:
A) One (1) stretcher;
B) One (1) broke-back board (if a splint-stretcher combination is used it will satisfy the requirements of both paragraphs (h)(2)(A) and (h)(2)(B) of this Section);
C) Twenty-four (24) triangular bandages fifteen (15) if a splint-stretcher combination is used;
D) Eight (8) four (4) inch bandage compresses;
E) Eight (8) two (2) inch bandage compresses;
F) Twelve (12) one (1) inch adhesive compresses;
G) An approved burn remedy;
H) Two (2) cloth blankets;
I) One (1) rubber blanket or equivalent substitute;
J) Two (2) tourniquets;
K) One (1) one (1) ounce bottle of aromatic spirits of ammonia or one (1) dozen (12) ammonia ampules; and
L) The necessary compliments of arm and leg splints or two (2) each inflatable plastic arm and leg splints.
3) All first aid supplies required to be maintained under the provisions of paragraphs (h)(1) and (h)(2) of this Section shall be stored in suitable, sanitary, dust tight, moisture proof containers and such supplies shall be accessible to the miners.
i) Safety program; instruction of persons employed at the mine.

Each operator of a surface coal mine shall establish and maintain a program of instruction with respect to the safety regulations and procedures to be followed at the mine and shall publish and distribute to each employee, and post in conspicuous places throughout the mine, all such safety regulations and procedures established in accordance with the provisions of the Section.

j) Safety training; inexperienced employees.

New employees shall be indoctrinated in safety rules and safe work procedures and inexperienced employees shall not be assigned to work duties until they have been trained thoroughly in safe work procedures related to the assigned work duties.

k) Protective clothing; requirements.

Each employee working in a surface coal mine or in the surface work areas of an underground coal mine shall be required to wear protective clothing and devices as indicated below:

1) Protective clothing or equipment and face-shields or goggles shall be worn when welding, cutting, or working with molten metal or when other hazards to the eyes exist;
2) Suitable protective clothing to cover the entire body when handling corrosive or toxic substances or other materials which might cause injury to skin;
3) Protective gloves when handling materials or performing work which might cause injury to the hands; however, gloves shall not be worn where they would create a greater hazard by becoming entangled in the moving parts of equipment;
4) A suitable hard hat or hard cap when in or around a mine or plant. If a hard hat or hard cap is painted, nonmetallic based paint shall be used;
5) Suitable protective footwear;
6) Snug-fitting clothing without loose ends when working around moving machinery or equipment;
7) Safety belts and lines where there is danger of falling; a second person shall tend the lifeline when bins, tanks, or other dangerous areas are entered;
8) Lifejackets or belts where there is danger from falling into water; and
9) Seatbelts in a vehicle where there is a danger of overturning and where roll protection is provided.
l) Distinctively colored hard hats or hard caps; identification for newly employed, inexperienced miners.

Hard hats or hard caps distinctively different in color from those worn by experienced miners shall be worn at all times by each newly employed, inexperienced miner when working in or around a mine or plant for at least one (1) year from the date of his initial employment as a miner.

m) Smoking prohibition.

No person shall smoke or use an open flame where such practice may cause a fire or explosion.

n) Reopening mines; notification; inspection prior to mining.

Prior to reopening any surface coal mine after it has been abandoned or declared inactive by the operator, the operator shall notify the Director. An inspection of the entire mine shall be completed by an authorized representative of the Department before any mining operations in such mine are instituted.

o) Daily inspection of surface coal mine; certified or competent person; reports of inspection.
1) All inspections, examinations, or checks required by these rules, or the statutes of the State of Illinois shall be made by a certified person. At least once during each working shift, or more often if necessary for safety, each active working area and each active surface installation shall be examined by a certified person designated by the operator to conduct such examinations for hazardous conditions. Any hazardous conditions noted during such examinations shall be reported to the operator and shall be corrected by the operator.
2) If any hazardous condition noted during an examination conducted in accordance with paragraph (o)(1) of this Section creates an imminent danger, the person conducting such examination shall notify the operator and the operator shall withdraw all persons from the area affected, except those persons necessary to correct the danger, until the danger is abated.
3) After each examination, inspection, or check conducted in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (o)(1) of this Section, each certified person who conducted all or any part of the examination required shall enter and sign with ink or indelible pencil in an approved book the date and a report of the condition of the mine or any area of the mine which he has inspected together with a report of the nature and location of any hazardous condition found to be present at the mine. The book in which such entries are made shall be kept in an area at the mine designated by the operator to minimize the danger of destruction by fire or other hazard.
4) All examination reports recorded in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (o)(3) of this Section shall include a report of the action taken to abate hazardous conditions and shall be countersigned each day by at least one (1) of the following certified persons:
A) A Surface Mine Foreman;
B) The Assistant Superintendent of the mine;
C) The Superintendent of the mine; or
D) The person designated by the operator as responsible for health and safety at the mine.
p) Major repair work; supervision.

When major repair work is being done, a company supervisor will be present to see and direct the work in a safe manner. The supervisor and the user shall inspect all tools, slings, chains, and other equipment being used to perform the work to see they are in safe working condition and free of safety defects.

q) Marine operations and equipment.
1) All operators shall have sufficient personnel available to conduct water rescue operations when persons are working near water. Such personnel shall be trained in the Standard United States Coast Guard approved water rescue operations, and capable of operating all the rescue equipment required by these, and any other, applicable federal and state statutes and rules.
2) Unless employees can step safely to or from the wharf, float, barge, or river towboat, a safe walkway shall be provided.
3) Decks or other working surfaces shall be maintained in a safe condition.
4) Persons shall not pass fore or aft, over, or around deckloads, unless a safe passage is provided.
5) The employer shall have in the vicinity of the barge at least one (1) U.S. Coast Guard approved thirty (30) inch life ring with not less than ninety (90) feet of line attached, and at least one (1) portable or permanent ladder which will reach from the top of the apron to the surface of the water shall be provided in the vicinity of the barge.
6) Surface of the barge where men work and walk must be clear of snow, ice, or any other substance that might make footing unsafe.
7) In certain situations where the boat pilot cannot see the deck hands or hand, a means of communication must be established.
8) A boat and motor with safety equipment necessary to rescue a person or persons, will be kept in ready condition at all times when mining operations are conducted in or adjacent to navigable waterways.
9) The person assigned by the operator to supervise mining operations conducted in or adjacent to navigable waterways will not permit anyone on the towboat or barges without a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket. Such assigned person will not move the towboat until all persons comply.
r) State mine inspectors; notification of miners' representative prior to inspection and posting of findings and recommendations.

On each visit to a mine, the State Mine Inspector shall notify a representative of the miners that he is there to make an inspection so that the miners' representatives may accompany him if they so desire. Following each inspection, the Inspector shall meet with management and representatives of the miners at the request of either or both of them to discuss his findings and recommendations. His findings and recommendations together with the time provided to comply shall be posted in a conspicuous place following each inspection. The length of time to comply will be based upon the nature and severity of the infraction(s) noted.

Ill. Admin. Code tit. 62, § 220.170

Added at 4 Ill. Reg. 48, p. 220, effective December 17, 1980