Agencies funded by the Department shall meet the following general program requirements for all funded services:
Services shall be provided in the setting most appropriate to the needs of the individual. This may include the individual's home, the agency, or the community. All settings shall be used innovatively in order to reach the target populations.
"Individualized service plan", as used herein, refers to and is equivalent to "individual treatment plan" and "individual habilitation plan".
Each agency is required to establish or ensure a process for the periodic review of behavior intervention and human rights issues involved in the individual's treatment and/or habilitation. Agencies required to have behavior intervention and human rights review policies and procedures under licensure or certification standards shall continue to comply with those standards.
Each agency shall have and use a process for reporting and handling instances of abuse and neglect in accordance with applicable standards, regulations and laws.
All program facilities shall be in compliance with applicable State licensure requirements and local ordinances with regard to fire, building, zoning, sanitation, health, and safety requirements.
Utilization review is the ongoing review of services delivered, their intensity and their duration, to determine adherence to generally accepted guidelines or standards regarding the individual's assessment, eligibility for service and appropriateness of services rendered. Agencies shall engage in a utilization review process for all program services.
Each agency shall comply with the Department of Human Services Fiscal/Administrative Recordkeeping and Requirements (89 Ill. Adm. Code 509).
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 59, § 103.50
Amended at 24 Ill. Reg. 18160, effective November 30, 2000