Contracts with qualified not-for-profit agencies for persons with significant disabilities (work centers; see Section 45-35 of the Code) under this Section should promote employment opportunities for persons with significant disabilities while meeting the needs of the Treasurer's office. In making a determination to purchase from a qualified work center, the Treasurer's office may review the number of jobs performed by persons with significant disabilities and the total amount of the contract. A reasonable amount of subcontracting is allowed under this Part to the extent it does not deter from promoting employment for persons with significant disabilities.
Purchases may be made from work centers without prior notice or competition.
Prior to conducting a competitive procurement or otherwise contracting for supplies or services on the preference list, the Treasurer's office may contact one or more of the qualified work centers that provide the needed supply or service and attempt to negotiate a fair and reasonable contract at a price not substantially more than had it been competitively bid. If negotiations fail or if circumstances suggest using a qualified work center is not reasonable, the Chief Procurement Officer may authorize use of an alternative procurement method.
Qualified work centers that contract with the Treasurer's office must comply with all applicable provisions of this Part.
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 44, § 1400.4535