Ill. Admin. Code tit. 41 § 145.5
"Act" means the Fire Department Promotion Act [50 ILCS 742 ].
"Appointing authority" means the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, Board of Fire Commissioners, Civil Service Commissioners, Superintendent or Department Head, Fire Protection District Board of Trustees, or other entity having the authority to administer and grant promotions in an affected department.
"Assessment center" is an examination process that is designed to simulate situations that are common to the rank being tested and designed to measure the knowledge, skills, abilities and personal characteristics of the individual candidate in a given situation.
"Assessor" means a person qualified under JLMC standards to evaluate candidates for promotion within an Illinois fire department during an assessment center.
"BATC" means Basic Assessor Training Course.
"Department" means a fire department operated by a municipality or fire protection district affected by the Act and this Part (see Section 145.10(c) ).
"JLMC" means the Joint Labor and Management Committee created by Section 50 of the Act.
"OSFM" means the Office of the State Fire Marshal.
"Parties" means the employer and exclusive bargaining representative to a collective bargaining agreement covering the candidates for promotion.
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 41, § 145.5