1. Collect Site Specific Data
a. Types and Areas (sft) contributing drainage
b. Slope of Field Application Area (FAA) - Appendix D
c. Soil Infiltration Rate (SI) of FAA - Appendix C
2. Calculate Runoff Volume and Total Drainage Area
Working Table in Appendix B
3. Settling Basin Design
4.5 cft/100 sft of drainage area + 10% extra volume
Dimensions from Appendix I
4. Field Application Area Design
FAA = (VR x 12)/((2 x SI) - 1.69) (square feet)
Dimensions from Appendix E
5. Calculate Flow onto Field Application Area
Flows from Appendix G
Qf = (.0026) (FAA) (gpm)
6. Effluent Transport System Design
Recommended Designs from Appendix F
7. Junction Box Design
Recommended Design from Appendix H
8. Distribution Manifold Design
Recommended Designs from Appendix H
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, pt. 570, subpt. B, app A