- Section 244.161 - Advisory, Alert and Emergency Levels:
- Section 244.162 - Criteria for Declaring an Advisory
- Section 244.163 - Criteria for Declaring a Yellow Alert
- Section 244.164 - Criteria for Declaring a Red Alert
- Section 244.165 - Criteria for Declaring an Emergency
- Section 244.166 - Criteria for Terminating Advisory, Alert and Emergency
- Section 244.167 - Episode Stage Notification
- Section 244.168 - Contents of Episode Stage Notification
- Section 244.169 - Actions During Episode Stages
- Appendix A - Rule into Section Table
- Appendix B - Section into Rule Table
- Appendix C - Compliance Dates
- Appendix D - Required Emission Reduction Actions1 Sulfur Dioxide, PM-10, Nitrogen Dioxide, and Carbon Monoxide