Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35 § 225.295

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 36, September 6, 2024
Section 225.295 - Combined Pollutant Standard: Emissions Standards for NO[x] and SO[2]
a) Emissions Standards for NOx and Reporting Requirements.
1) Beginning with calendar year 2012 and continuing in each calendar year thereafter, the CPS group, which includes all specified EGUs, regardless of the type of fuel combusted, that have not been permanently shut down by December 31 before the applicable calendar year, must comply with a CPS group average annual NOx emissions rate of no more than 0.11 lbs/mmBtu.
2) Beginning with ozone season control period 2012 and continuing in each ozone season control period (May 1 through September 30) thereafter, the CPS group, which includes all specified EGUs, regardless of the type of fuel combusted, that have not been permanently shut down by December 31 before the applicable ozone season, must comply with a CPS group average ozone season NOx emissions rate of no more than 0.11 lbs/mmBtu.
3) The owner or operator of the specified EGUs in the CPS group must file, not later than one year after startup of any selective SNCR on such EGU, a report with the Agency describing the NOx emissions reductions that the SNCR has been able to achieve.
4) The specified EGUs are not subject to the requirements set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 217, Subpart M, including without limitation the NOx emission standards set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 217.344.
b) Emissions Standards for SO2. Beginning in calendar year 2013 and continuing in each calendar year thereafter, the CPS group must comply with the applicable CPS group average annual SO2 emissions rate listed as follows. For purposes of subsections (b) and (d) only, the CPS group includes only those specified EGUs that combust coal.

















c) Compliance with the NOx and SO2 emissions standards must be demonstrated in accordance with Sections 225.310, 225.410, and 225.510. The owner or operator of the specified EGUs must complete the demonstration of compliance pursuant to Section 225.298(c) before March 1 of the following year for annual standards and before November 30 of the particular year for ozone season control periods (May 1 through September 30) standards, by which date a compliance report must be submitted to the Agency.
d) The CPS group average annual SO2 emission rate, annual NOx emission rate and ozone season NOx emission rates shall be determined as follows:

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average annual or ozone season emission rate in lbs/mmBtu of all EGUs in the CPS group.



heat input for the annual or ozone control period of each EGU, in mmBtu.



actual annual SO2 lbs of each EGU in the CPS group, as set forth in subsection (b).



actual annual or ozone season NOx lbs of each EGU in the CPS group.



number of EGUs that are in the CPS group.



each EGU in the CPS group.

Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, § 225.295

Amended at 33 Ill. Reg. 10427, effective June 26, 2009

Amended at 39 Ill. Reg. 16225, effective 12/7/2015