Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 225.260 - Out of Control Periods and Data Availability for Emission Monitorsa) Out of control periods must be determined in accordance with Section 1.7 of Appendix B.b) Monitor data availability for all EGUs using a CEMS (or an excepted monitoring system) shall be greater than or equal to 75 percent; that is, quality assured data must be recorded by a certified primary monitor, a certified redundant or non-redundant backup monitor, or reference method for that unit at least 75 percent of the time the unit is in operation. Monitor data availability must be determined in accordance with Section 1.8 of Appendix B following initial certification of the required CO2, O2, flow monitor, or mercury concentration or moisture monitoring systems at a particular unit or stack location; monitor data availability shall be determined on a calendar quarterly basis until June 30, 2012, and on a rolling 12-month average basis from July 1, 2012 forward (the first such 12-month period will cover July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013). Compliance with the percent reduction standard in Section 225.230(a)(1)(B), 225.233(d)(1)(B) or (d)(2)(B), 225.237(a)(1)(B), or 225.294(c)(2), or the emissions concentration standard in Section 225.230(a)(1)(A), 225.233(d)(1)(A) or (d)(2)(A), 225.237(a)(1)(A), or 225.294(c)(1), can only be demonstrated if the monitor data availability is equal to or greater than 75 percent.c) Audit Decertification. Whenever both an audit of an emissions monitoring system and a review of the initial certification or recertification application reveal that any emissions monitoring system should not have been certified or recertified because it did not meet a particular performance specification or other requirement pursuant to Section 225.250 or the applicable provisions of Appendix B to this Part, both at the time of the initial certification or recertification application submission and at the time of the audit, the Agency must issue a notice of disapproval of the certification status of such monitoring system. For the purposes of this subsection (c), an audit must be either a field audit or an audit of any information submitted to the Agency. By issuing the notice of disapproval, the Agency revokes prospectively the certification status of the emissions monitoring system. The data measured and recorded by the monitoring system must not be considered valid quality-assured data from the date of issuance of the notification of the revoked certification status until the date and time that the owner or operator completes subsequently approved initial certification or recertification tests for the monitoring system. The owner or operator shall follow the applicable initial certification or recertification procedures in Section 225.250 for each disapproved monitoring system.Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, § 225.260
Amended at 33 Ill. Reg. 10427, effective June 26, 2009