Ill. Admin. Code tit. 32 § 401.20
As used in this Part, the following definitions shall apply:
"Accreditation" - The process by which the Agency grants permission to persons meeting the requirements of the Act and the Agency's rules and regulations to engage in the practice of administering radiation to human beings. [ 420 ILCS 40/4 ]
"ACRRT" - American Chiropractic Registry of Radiologic Technologists, 52 W Colfax Street, Palatine, Illinois 60067-5048, Phone (847) 705-1178, website:
"Act" - The Radiation Protection Act of 1990 [420 ILCS 40].
"Agency" - The Illinois Emergency Management Agency.
"Applies Ionizing Radiation" or "Administers Radiation" - The acts of using ionizing radiation for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. Specifically included are those tasks that have a direct impact on the radiation burden of the patient, which if performed improperly would result in the re-administration of radiation.
"Approved Program" - A formal education program in the respective discipline of radiography, nuclear medicine technology or radiation therapy that is accredited by one or more of the following:
Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology
Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology
Regional Accrediting Agencies
Conjoint Accreditation Services of the Canadian Medical Association
Australian Institute of Radiography
Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia
National faith related accrediting agencies
National accrediting agencies.
"ARRT" - The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists, 1255 Northland Drive, St. Paul MN 55120-1155, Phone (651) 687-0048, website:
"Authorized User" - A licensed practitioner who is identified as an authorized user on a license or equivalent permit issued by the Agency, Nuclear Regulatory Commission or Agreement State that is authorized to permit the medical use of radioactive material.
"Bone Densitometry" - The science and art of applying x-radiation to human beings for determination of site specific bone density.
"CBRPA" - Certification Board for Radiology Practitioner Assistants, P.O. Box 469, Plaistow NH 03865, Phone (603) 421-2020, website:
"Chiropractic Radiographer" - A person other than a licensed practitioner who performs medical radiation procedures and applies x-radiation to the human body for diagnostic evaluation of skeletal anatomy, while under the general supervision of a licensed chiropractor.
"Chiropractic Radiography" - The science and art of applying x-radiation to human beings for diagnostic purposes in Chiropractic.
"Continuing Education Activity" - A learning activity that is planned, organized and administered to enhance the professional knowledge and skills underlying professional performance that a technologist uses to provide services for patients, the public or the medical profession. In order to qualify as continuing education, the activity must be planned, be organized and provide sufficient depth and scope of a subject area.
"Continuing Education Credit" or "CE Credit" - Unit of measurement for continuing education activities. One continuing education credit is awarded for one contact hour (50 minutes). Activities longer than one hour are assigned whole or partial credits based on the 50-minute hour. Educational activities of 30-49 minutes of duration will be awarded one-half of one CE credit. Activities that last less than 30 minutes will receive no credit.
"CT" or "Computed Tomography" - The production of a tomogram by the acquisition and computer processing of x-ray transmission data.
"Director" - The Director of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency.
"Ionizing Radiation" - Gamma rays, and x-rays, alpha and beta particles, high speed electrons, neutrons, protons, and other nuclear particles; but not sound or radio waves, or visible, infrared or ultraviolet light.
"In vitro" - Isolated from the living organism.
"In vivo" - Occurring within the living organism.
"Licensed Practitioner" - A person licensed to practice a treatment of human ailments by virtue of the Medical Practice Act of 1987 [225 ILCS 60], the Illinois Dental Practice Act [225 ILCS 25], or the Podiatric Medical Practice Act of 1987 [225 ILCS 100], who may use radiation for therapeutic, diagnostic or other medical purposes within the limits of the individual's licensure.
"Limited Diagnostic Radiographer" - A person, other than a licensed practitioner, who, while under the general supervision of a licensed practitioner, applies x-radiation for diagnostic purposes. Radiographic procedures are limited to one or more of the following anatomical regions: chest, extremities, skull/sinus or spine. However, a limited diagnostic radiographer may not perform any radiographic exam for a portable x-ray service provider.
AGENCY NOTE: Specific radiographic examinations appropriate to each type of limited radiography accreditation may be found in Appendix A.
"Medical Radiation Technology" - The science and art of performing medical radiation procedures involving the application of ionizing radiation to human beings for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
"Medical Radiographer" - A person, other than a licensed practitioner, who, while under general supervision of a licensed practitioner, applies x-radiation to any part of the human body and who, in conjunction with radiation studies, may administer contrast agents and related drugs for diagnostic purposes.
"Medical Radiography" - The science and art of applying x-radiation to human beings for diagnostic purposes.
"NMTCB" - Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board, 3558 Habersham At Northlake, Building I, Tucker GA 30084-4009, Phone (404) 315-1739, website:
"Nuclear Medicine Advanced Associate" - A person, other than a licensed practitioner, who, as a nuclear medicine technologist with advanced training and certifications, performs a variety of activities under the direct, general or personal supervision of a licensed practitioner, who is also an authorized user of radioactive materials, in the areas of patient care, patient management, clinical imagine and invasive or therapeutic procedures. A Nuclear Medicine Advanced Associate may not make diagnoses or prescribe medications or therapies.
"Nuclear Medicine Technologist" - A person, other than a licensed practitioner, who administers radiopharmaceuticals and related drugs to human beings for diagnostic purposes, performs in vivo and in vitro detection and measurement of radioactivity and administers radiopharmaceuticals to human beings for therapeutic purposes. A nuclear medicine technologist may perform such procedures only while under the general supervision of a licensed practitioner who is licensed to possess and use radioactive materials.
"Nuclear Medicine Technology" - The science and art of in vivo and in vitro detection and measurement of radioactivity and the administration of radiopharmaceuticals to human beings for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
"PET" or "Positron Emission Tomography" - A nuclear medicine imaging technique that produces a three-dimensional image of functional processes in the body by detecting pairs of gamma rays emitted indirectly by a positron-emitting radionuclide.
"Portable X-Ray Service Provider" - A registrant who, under a physician's authorization, provides diagnostic x-ray procedures with hand-held or mobile radiographic equipment in a patient's place of residence.
"Radiation Therapist" - A person, other than a licensed practitioner, who performs procedures and applies ionizing radiation emitted from x-ray machines, particle accelerators, or sealed radioactive sources to human beings for therapeutic purposes while under the general supervision of a licensed practitioner who is licensed, as required, to possess and use radioactive materials.
"Radiation Therapy Technology" - The science and art of applying ionizing radiation emitted from x-ray machines, particle accelerators and sealed radioactive sources to human beings for therapeutic purposes.
"Radiologist Assistant" - A person, other than a licensed practitioner, who, as a medical radiographer with advanced-level training and certification, performs a variety of activities under the direct, general or personal supervision of a radiologist, certified by the American Board of Radiology or the American Osteopathic Board of Radiology, in the areas of patient care, patient management, clinical imaging and interventional procedures. The Radiologist Assistant may not interpret images, make diagnoses or prescribe medications or therapies.
"Recognized Continuing Education Evaluation Mechanism" or "RCEEM" - A mechanism for evaluating the content, quality and integrity of an educational activity. The evaluation shall include a review of educational objectives, content selection, faculty qualifications, and educational methods and materials. Among the requirements for qualification as an RCEEM, an organization shall be national in scope, non-profit, radiology based and willing to evaluate the CE activity developed by any technologist within a given discipline. Organizations with current RCEEM status may be found at
"SPECT" or "Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography" - A nuclear medicine tomographic imaging technique using gamma rays.
"Supervision" - Responsibility for, and control of, quality, radiation safety and protection, and technical aspects of the application of ionizing radiation to human beings for diagnostic and/or therapeutic purposes. For purposes of this Part, supervision shall consist of one of the following:
Personal - The required individual must be in attendance in the room during the performance of the procedure.
Direct - The required individual must be present in at least an adjacent area and immediately available to furnish assistance and direction throughout the performance of the procedure.
General - The procedure is furnished under the overall direction and control of a licensed practitioner whose presence is not required during the performance of the procedure.
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 32, § 401.20
Amended at 37 Ill. Reg. 14008, effective August 22, 2013