Ill. Admin. Code tit. 26 § 100.10
"Article 9" means Article 9 of the Election Code (campaign disclosures, contributions and expenditures).
"Board" means the Illinois State Board of Elections.
"Election Code" or "Code" means 10 ILCS 5.
"File", "Filed" or "Filing" means:
The statement, report or document being filed is in apparent and substantial conformity with the requirements of the Election Code. Apparent and substantial conformity requires that the filing contain the following:
The signature of the person making the filing;
Completion of all applicable sections of the report; and
Attachment of all appropriate schedules.
Inadvertent error or omission of a de minimus nature in the completion of a report, statement or document shall not be deemed to be a "willful failure to file or a willful filing of false or incomplete information" under Code Section 9-26.
"Immediate Family" means the spouse, civil union party, parent, legal guardian or child of the public official, candidate or any other person referred to in this Part. A parent includes a stepparent or adoptive parent. A child means a biological, adopted, legal dependent or stepchild.
"Labor Union" means any organization of any kind, or any agency or employee representation committee or plan, in which employees participate and that exists for the purpose, in whole or in part, of bargaining with employers concerning grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours of employment or conditions of work.
"Public Office" means, among other things, an elective office. The term includes the political party offices of state central, county, ward, township and precinct committeeman.
"Signature" or "Signed", as used in Article 9 and this Part, includes electronic signatures attached and made a part of electronic records submitted to the State Board of Elections pursuant to Code Section 9-28, as well as electronic signatures permitted under the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act [815 ILCS 333 ].
"Submit" or "Submitting", as used in Code Section 9-11, means actually filing a report with the Board through the following methods:
uploading a report electronically or, if accomplished at a Board office or with the assistance of Board staff, the committee representative is present and/or authorizing the report filing;
using the U.S. Postal Service, overnight delivery, or any other delivery service;
e-mailing a report to or an elections specialist in the Division of Campaign Disclosure;
hand delivering a report to the Board; or
faxing a report to the Board.
With the exception of the chair or the treasurer, the person submitting the report on behalf of the committee must list themself as having submitted the report.
* the period beginning July 1 following the consolidated election for which the candidate seeks election and ending on the day of the next consolidated primary election for that office; or
* the period beginning the day after the consolidated primary election for the office to which the candidate seeks nomination or election and through June 30 following the consolidated election held that year.
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 26, § 100.10
Amended at 35 Ill. Reg. 2295, effective February 4, 2011