c) Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA) Until August 4, 2023 (the effective date of Public Act 103-488), and beginning again on September 1, 2025, each candidate or out-of-state applicant completing an educator preparation program in a teaching field shall be required to pass the edTPA. The edTPA is a performance-based assessment designed to measure an educator's knowledge, skills, and preparedness.
1) Each recognized institution offering approved teacher preparation programs shall administer the edTPA during a candidate's student teaching experience.2) A person who has successfully completed an evidence-based assessment of teacher effectiveness, as required under this subsection (c), at the time of initial certification or licensure in another state or country shall not be required to complete the edTPA. (See Section 21B-35 of the Code.)3) In accordance with Section 21B-110 of the Code, the edTPA is waived during any time in which the Governor has declared a public health emergency under Section 7 of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act [20 ILCS 3305].4) Candidates may not be required to submit edTPA test materials by video submission. (See Section 21B-30(f) of the Code.)