c) Foundational Knowledge 1) Standards for Mathematical Practice Effective elementary teachers enable students to acquire the skills necessary for strong mathematical practice in that they are able to:
A) make sense of problems and persevere in solving them;B) reason abstractly and quantitatively;C) construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others;D) model with mathematics;E) use appropriate tools strategically;G) look for and make use of structure; andH) look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.2) Counting and Cardinality Elementary teachers are prepared to develop student proficiency and address common misconceptions related to counting and cardinality and:
A) Demonstrate an understanding of the intricacy of learning to count, assisting students to: i) know the names of numbers and orally present them in order, starting from the numeral 1 and from various other numbers; being able to recognize written numerals and the quantity each represents; and knowing the names of numbers, starting with eleven, with special attention paid to helping students understand the differences between numbers ending in "teen" and those ending in "ty";ii) count the number of objects using one-to-one correspondence, regardless of the way in which the object is arranged, and understand cardinality (connecting number name to quantity, the last number of the count, and nesting of numbers) to counting out a given number of objects; andiii) compare numbers by matching quantity represented with objects or pictures or written numerals; andB) recognize the role of ten and the difficulties English language learners face because the base-ten structure is not evident in all of the English words for numbers.3) Operations and Algebraic Thinking Elementary teachers are prepared to develop student proficiency and address common misconceptions related to operations and algebraic thinking and:
A) solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems with unknowns in any position;B) demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction relationships and multiplication and division relationships, including the use of properties of operations (i.e., the field axioms);C) demonstrate an understanding of the equal sign as meaning "the same amount as" rather than "calculate the answer";D) demonstrate an understanding of the meaning of 0 and why division by 0 leads to an undefined answer;E) understand and apply the meaning and uses of remainders, factors, multiples, parentheses and prime and composite numbers;F) recognize the following strategies when using the operations of addition and subtraction: counting all, counting on and converting to an easier problem by composing or decomposing ten;G) recognize extensions of the strategies enumerated in subsection (c)(3)(F) of this Section in multiplication, division and beginning work in expressions and equations;H) strategically use algebraic tools, such as tape diagrams, number lines, bar models, math racks and double number lines;I) extend understanding of arithmetic and operations to algebraic expressions and equations, and solve one-step and two-step equations and inequalities; andJ) view numerical and algebraic expressions as "calculation recipes", describing them in words, parsing them into their component parts, and interpreting the components in terms of a context.4) Numbers and Operations in Base Ten Elementary teachers are prepared to develop student proficiency and address common misconceptions related to numbers and operations in base ten and:
A) understand how the place value system relies on repeated groupings of any fixed natural number quantity (including ten) and can demonstrate how to use oral counting, objects, drawings, layered place value cards and numerical expressions to help reveal place value structure;B) understand how to compare numbers, fractions and decimals using the symbols for "greater than", "less than" and "equal to";C) understand composing and decomposing numbers using the commutative, associative and distributive properties to efficiently use place value methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division;D) extend place value system knowledge to decimals and view decimals as numbers that can be placed on number lines and explain the rationale for decimal computation methods;E) understand and distinguish between the appropriate use of computation strategies and computation algorithms, as defined in the Illinois Learning Standards for Mathematics, recognizing the importance of "mental math" and derive various algorithms and recognize these as summaries of reasoning, rather than rules;F) extend place value system knowledge to negative, rational and irrational numbers; andG) use mathematical drawings, manipulative materials or mathematical properties to reveal, discuss and explain the rationale behind, as well as validate or dismiss, any computational algorithm that a student might present.5) Number and Operations - Fractions Elementary teachers are prepared to develop student proficiency and address common misconceptions related to numbers and operations involving fractions and:
A) understand and apply fractions as numbers that can be modeled from a length perspective (number line), an area perspective (pattern blocks, geoboards, etc.), and a discrete perspective (set of dots or circles);B) understand and apply the concept of unit fractions, benchmark fractions and the whole (referent unit) as defined in the Illinois Learning Standards for Mathematics;C) extend the associated meanings of the properties of operations from whole numbers to fractions;D) understand and use equivalent fractions, including those of whole numbers, to reveal new information and as a tool for comparison or to perform operational procedures;E) understand and apply the connection between fractions and division, and demonstrate how fractions, ratios and rates are connected via unit rates;F) demonstrate an understanding of decimal notation for fractions, and compare decimal fractions;G) represent ratios and equivalent ratios as an application of equivalent fractions, and solve ratio and rate problems using tables, tape diagrams, number lines and double number lines;H) understand the connection between a proportional relationship and a linear relationship, and recognize the connection between an inversely proportional relationship and a reciprocal relationship;I) defend the ordering of a list of fractions using common denominators, using common numerators, comparing to benchmark fractions or using reasoning; andJ) understand the connection between fractions and decimals, particularly with regard to decimal computations.6) Measurement and Data Elementary teachers should be prepared to develop student proficiency and address common misconceptions related to measurement and data and:
A) understand and apply the general principles of measurement; that is, measurement requires a choice of measurable attribute, that measurement is a comparison with a unit and how the size of a unit affects measurements, and the iteration, additivity and invariance used in determining measurement;B) recognize and demonstrate the relationship of different units;C) connect the number line to measurement;D) demonstrate an understanding of area and volume and give rationales for area and volume formulas that can be obtained by compositions and decompositions of unit squares or unit cubes;E) use data displays to ask and answer questions about data;F) understand the measures used to summarize data, including the mean, median, interquartile range and mean absolute deviation, and use these measures to compare data sets;G) examine the distinction between categorical and numerical data and reason about data displays; andH) recognize the connection of categorical and measurement data to statistical variability and distributions.7) Geometry Elementary teachers should be prepared to develop student proficiency and address common misconceptions related to geometry and:
A) compose and decompose shapes and classify shapes into categories, and justify the relationships within and between the categories;B) understand geometric concepts of angle, parallel and perpendicular, and use them to describe and define shapes;C) describe and reason about spatial locations (including the coordinate plane);D) reason about proportional relationships in scaling shapes up and down;E) describe the connections (relationships) between geometric properties and arithmetic and algebraic properties, and adapt a problem in one domain to be solved in the other domain;F) summarize and illustrate the progression from visual to descriptive to analytic to abstract characterizations of shapes; andG) use the coordinate plane to graph shapes and solve problems.