Ill. Admin. Code tit. 20 § 475.10
"Chief Administrative Officer" means the highest ranking official of a correctional facility.
"Child Care Provider" means an offender who has been screened and trained to provide care for children within the Moms and Babies Program.
"Child Development Aide" means the individual who assists in coordinating the pregnant mothers' programs, infant programs, and Infant Development Center programs; delivery of pre-natal and post-natal programming; and monitoring the mothers' program participation and adjustment.
"Department" means the Department of Corrections.
"Director" means the Director of the Department of Corrections.
"Family Services Administrator" means the administrator of the family counseling service in the Moms and Babies Program that promotes and maintains family relationships for female offenders.
"Infant Development Administrator" means an individual who organizes, develops, and implements the Moms and Babies Program, infant programs, and Infant Development Center programs.
"Mental Health Professional" means a psychiatrist, psychiatric nurse, or clinically trained psychologist, or an individual who has clinical training and a master's degree in social work or psychology.
"Moms and Babies Program" or "Program" means the program established under 730 ILCS 5/3-6 -2(g) and this Part.
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 20, § 475.10