Ill. Admin. Code tit. 20 § 2603.40
An accurate records system is of utmost importance. A complete record and report system provides the superintendent with an effective management tool and essential information for the court.
A face sheet and personal record file shall be maintained for each child in accordance with Section 2603.50(b)(10).
All face sheet data and case record information is confidential and shall not be disclosed to unauthorized persons or to the public, except by order of the court. Staff members shall be provided access to case information required for the performance of their duties.
The superintendent shall submit a monthly report to the Office of Detention and Audit Services of the number of children sheltered during the preceding month and provide information for each of the categories indicated on the report form provided by the Unit.
All unusual incidents which involve or endanger the lives or physical welfare of staff members or children must be reported to the Unit, utilizing the forms supplied by the Unit.
A copy of the unusual occurrence report will be forwarded to the court by the superintendent.
A shelter care population report shall be supplied to the judge by the superintendent daily or as required by the court but not less than weekly. This report shall include the name of each child, day admitted, accumulated days of stay, date of hearing, and any other information the judge might request to assist the control of admissions.
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 20, § 2603.40