Ill. Admin. Code tit. 17 § 3060.20

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 3060.20 - Definitions

"Appropriate Not-For-Profit Organization" means a not-for-profit corporation that is organized pursuant to the General Not For Profit Corporation Act of 1986 [805 ILCS 105 ], is in good standing as a not-for-profit corporation and is authorized to conduct affairs in Illinois with one of its purposes as stated in its Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws being the support, development, conservation or promotion of wild pheasants (State Pheasant Fund), wild waterfowl (State Migratory Waterfowl Stamp Fund) or wild fur-bearing mammals (State Furbearer Fund), the management of habitat for future generations (Illinois Habitat Fund), or wildlife rehabilitation.

"Cooperator" means any landowner participating in the benefits from a Special Wildlife Funds grant. The cooperator may or may not be enrolled in a federal or State conservation program that is also receiving a benefit from a Special Wildlife Funds grant.

"Deadline" means the date stated in this Part or the next business day if the deadline date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday.

"Department" means the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

"Director" means the Director of the Department.

"Endangered Wildlife" means any species of animal classified as endangered under the Illinois Endangered Species Act [520 ILCS 10 ] and 17 Ill. Adm. Code 1010.

"Enhance" means to make better in quality or value.

"Equipment" means tangible nonexpendable personal property having a useful life of more than one year and acquisition cost of $500 or more per unit. Furthermore, a group of items costing less than $500 each that, when combined, make up one functional unit with a combined cost of $500 or greater, is considered one piece of equipment (e.g., burn equipment).

"Farm Program" means any State or federal program that provides financial incentives to landowners who participate in conservation programs intended to reduce erosion, guard streams and rivers, restore and establish wildlife habitat and improve air and water quality, such as the U.S. Department of Agricultures' Conservation Reserve and Wetland Reserve Programs, the Department's Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, etc.

"Grantee" means the successful applicant for funding of a project from one of the Special Wildlife Funds.

"Habitat" means all wetlands, woodlands, grasslands and agricultural lands, natural or altered, that support or have the potential to support populations of wild animals and/or native plant resources in any or all phases of their life cycles.

"Manage" means to direct or control the use of.

"Managers of Land" means any appropriate not-for-profit organization or governmental agency that has the expertise, the equipment, adequate staff/workforce and permission from the landowner (if applicable) to develop and/or manage habitat.

"Mississippi Flyway" means the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana and the Canadian provinces of Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario.

"Non-Game Wildlife" means any wildlife species that are not commonly pursued, killed, or consumed either for sport or profit, except house sparrow, European starling, domestic pigeon and species not indigenous to the State of Illinois.

"North American Waterfowl Management Plan" is a coordinated effort by individuals, organizations and agencies of the three countries (Canada, U.S. and Mexico) to conserve wetlands and increase waterfowl and wetland bird populations. It promotes joint ventures that are partnerships that protect, restore and enhance wetlands, uplands and riparian areas; manage habitat for waterfowl, shorebirds, non-waterfowl migratory birds and endangered species; improve water quality through watershed protection; and seek profitable agriculture and abundant wildlife.

"Person" means any individual, group, organization or entity.

"Perpetuate" means to prolong the existence of non-game wildlife and/or native plant resources through direct activities or through educating members of the general public on protection and preservation of these life forms.

"Preserve" means to maintain in safety from injury, peril or harm and to keep in perfect or unaltered condition and maintain unchanged.

"Project" means a proposal and follow-up activity for a habitat acquisition or development, including purchase, lease or other reasonable acquisition of equipment or education project as described on the application for assistance from one of the Special Wildlife Funds.

"Protect" means to keep from being damaged, attacked, stolen or injured.

"Public Access" means the right of the general public to approach, enter, exit or make use of.

"Public Use" means the right of the general public to utilize, with or without paying a fee.

"Special Wildlife Funds" means the Illinois Habitat Fund, State Pheasant Fund, State Furbearer Fund, State Migratory Waterfowl Stamp Fund or the Illinois Wildlife Preservation Fund.

"Threatened Wildlife" means any species of animal classified as threatened under the Illinois Endangered Species Act [520 ILCS 10] and 17 Ill. Adm. Code 1010.

"Wildlife" means any fauna living in a natural state without the direct care of man (i.e., captive, cultivated, etc.).

"Wildlife Rehabilitation Facility" means a facility that provides rehabilitation to wildlife.

Ill. Admin. Code tit. 17, § 3060.20

Amended at 32 Ill. Reg. 19781, effective December 4, 2008