Ill. Admin. Code tit. 14 § 810.20
"Act" means the Energy Community Reinvestment Act.
"Closure" means the permanent shutdown of an electric generating unit or coal mine.
"Decommissioned" means a nuclear power plant that has submitted a Certification of Permanent Cessation of Operation to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission as is required by 10 CFR 50.82(a)(1)(i).
"Department" means the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
"Eligible Area" is a community that contains one or more of the following within a 30-mile radius:
a fossil fuel or nuclear power plant that was retired from service or has significantly reduced service within six years before the application for designation or will be retired or have service significantly reduced within six years following the application for designation;
a coal mine that was closed or had operations significantly reduced within six years before the application for designation or is anticipated to be closed or have operations significantly reduced within six years following the application for designation;
a nuclear power plant that was decommissioned, but continued storing nuclear waste before the effective date of the Act. [20 ILCS 735/10-20(c)]
"GATA" means Grant Accountability and Transparency Act [30 ILCS 708].
"Grantee" means an applicant for a grant award under this program whose proposal is funded by the Department.
"Primary Applicant" means local unit or units of government, including municipalities, counties, school districts, and other taxing districts within the eligible area.
"Retired From Service" means a fossil fuel or nuclear power plant that is no longer in service.
"Secondary Applicant" or "Secondary Applicants" means an economic development organization, local educational institutions, community-based groups joining with a primary applicant. [20 ILCS 735/10-20(d)]
"Significantly Reduced Operations" for a coal mine means: tons of coal produced have declined from a non-zero amount to zero within the previous six years and remained at zero through the most recent year for which data is available; or average annual tons of coal produced over the most recent 5 year period for which data is available and tons of coal produced in the most recent year for which data is available are both at last 25% lower than the average annual tons of coal produced during the 5-year period for which data is available.
"Significantly Reduced Service" means a fossil fuel or nuclear power plant that has ceased operations of one or more generating units at the plant and/or converted to a different type of plant, resulting in fewer on-site employees.
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 14, § 810.20