Ill. Admin. Code tit. 14 § 500.60
Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 500.60 - Form of Applicationa) All communications relating to application procedures herein defined shall be sent to the Director of the Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, ATTN: Civic Center Support Program, 620 East Adams Street, Springfield, Illinois 62701.b) An application shall be in writing and in the approved format provided by the Department upon request.c) An application shall be submitted as one (1) original and three (3) copies.d) Information requested within the application includes the following: 1) Legal name and address of Applicant;2) Amount of financial support in the base sum requested by the Applicant;3) Name and type of proposed facility and project including address;4) Names, addresses and telephone numbers of the following persons: B) architect, if selected;C) construction manager, if selected;D) counsel for applicant, if selected;5) Data on Applicant eligibility, including type of authority, area of jurisdiction, area population, 1975 or 1983 equalized assessed valuation, date of preapplication consultation;6) Summary of the enclosed economic feasibility and economic impact studies;7) Brief description of the facility, including square footage, seating capacity and anticipated functions or activities;8) A financial plan for funding the facility which must include the amount of State funding requested and the amount of local funding to be provided, with a list of the sources of local funding;9) A proposed time schedule with estimated completion dates for the following activities: A) design of facility, program and schematics, design development, working drawings and specifications;B) construction bid packages;C) financing for local bond sale, if applicable;D) construction contract award;E) construction start and completion;10) Project budget information, including estimates for professional fees, construction costs, site development costs, off-site work, permanently attached equipment, movable equipment, contingency, purchase of land, purchase of building(s), other expenses with explanation, and total project cost;11) A five (5) year financial operating plan which includes a forecast of income and expenses with analytical justification for such forecast, plus an operating budget detailing administrative, operation, maintenance and promotional expenses and projecting net profit/loss. If a net loss is projected, the Applicant must designate the source of funds for payment of a deficit;12) Provision for and information relating to principal and interest payments on a local bond issue, if applicable.e) All documents and attachments submitted with the Application shall be submitted in the same order in which they appear in the Application format provided by the Department, and each page thereof must be sequentially numbered on the bottom right-hand corner beginning with page 1. The documentation shall include the following:1) A copy of the Act creating the Authority;2) Certification by the municipality(ies) or county(ies) of the most recent population count encompassing the area in which the Authority is located;3) Certification by the County Clerk(s) of the total assessed valuation for the area under the jurisdiction of the applicable Authority for 1975 and 1983;4) Legal opinion of Applicant's counsel which states:A) the Authority is eligible to apply for, receive, and use State financial support pursuant to the Act;B) there are no provisions in the Authority's charter, in the State or federal statutes, or in any municipal or local ordinance which prohibits the Authority from making application to the State to receive funding or from entering into an agreement to receive such funding; andC) the Applicant's counsel has no knowledge of pending or threatened litigation, in either the State or federal courts which would adversely affect the application;5) Certified copy of the resolution or ordinance authorizing this application;6) Certified copy of the resolution, ordinance, or intergovernmental agreement authorizing the local share of the project;7) Certification by the executive officer of the applicant that all information contained in the application is true and correct;8) Certified copy of resolution, ordinance, or intergovernmental agreement authorizing payment of deficit in operating and maintenance costs if a deficit is projected;9) Draft opinion of bond counsel as to the legality of the proposed local bond issue(s) if bonds are to be issued for the local share;10) Minutes of all meetings of the Authority;11) Copy of minutes of meeting(s) by appropriate authority in which appointments to the Applicant board was made if the board is an appointed body;12) Copies of oaths of office of Authority members filed with the Secretary of State;13) Copies of written commitments to provide local share of total project costs;14) An independent appraisal of site if it is to be included as part of the local share;15) An economic feasibility study;16) An economic impact study; and17) A master building plan.f) Each Application including documents and attachments shall be contained in three (3) ring binder cover(s).g) All documents and attachments submitted in support of the Application shall be submitted with a general index and tab for easy reference.h) If the application format and requirements outlined above are not followed, the application will not be accepted and will be returned to the Applicant.Ill. Admin. Code tit. 14, § 500.60
Amended at 12 Ill. Reg. 22159, effective December 8, 1988