Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

A hearing officer is a presiding officer, other than the agency head, in a contested case proceeding. Subject to governing statutes and rules, a hearing officer may be appointed by an agency head.

01.Office of Administrative Hearings. Where required by statute or rule, or where an agency head otherwise requests a hearing officer as permitted by statute or rule, an agency head will refer a hearing officer appointment to the Office of Administrative Hearings. Upon receipt and acceptance of the referral, the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer or their designee shall appoint a hearing officer of their own selection by issuing a Notice of Appointment to all parties to the contested case proceeding.
02.Other Hearing Officers. Hearing officers not appointed through the Office of Administrative Hearings may be employees of the agency or independent contractors, and may (but need not) be attorneys. Hearing officers who are not attorneys should ordinarily be persons with technical expertise or experience in issues before the agency.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective July 1, 2024