Section - APPLICABILITY01.Applicability to Reuse Facilities. All reuse facilities are subject to these rules except: a. Land application of wastewater from mining, livestock truck washing facilities, feedlots, dairies, and digesters where the digestate is applied according to the originating dairy's Idaho Department of Agriculture approved nutrient management plan;b. Recycled water used for landscape irrigation at a municipal wastewater treatment plant if: i. No other recycled water use would subject the municipal wastewater treatment plant to these rules;ii. The municipal wastewater treatment plant has, and is in compliance with, an IPDES permit; andiii. Public access to the area of landscape irrigation is restricted; andc. Other facilities identified by the Department, if covered adequately by other law.02.Reuse Policy. Department policy promotes, where appropriate, reuse of both municipal and industrial recycled water.Idaho Admin. Code r.