Section - DEFINITIONS01.Agricultural Chemical. Any pesticide, nutrient or fertilizer used for the benefit of agricultural production or pest management.02.Aquifer. A geological unit of permeable saturated material capable of yielding economically significant quantities of water to wells and springs.03.Beneficial Uses. Various uses of ground water in Idaho including, but not limited to, domestic water supplies, industrial water supplies, agricultural water supplies, aquacultural water supplies, and mining. A beneficial use is defined as actual current or projected future uses of ground water.04.Best Available Method. Any system, process, or method which is available to the public for commercial or private use to minimize the impact of point or nonpoint sources of contamination on ground water quality.05.Best Management Practice. A practice or combination of practices determined to be the most effective and practical means of preventing or reducing contamination to ground water and interconnected surface water from nonpoint and point sources to achieve water quality goals and protect the beneficial uses of the water.06.Best Practical Method. Any system, process, or method that is established and in routine use which could be used to minimize the impact of point or nonpoint sources of contamination on ground water quality.07.Board. The Idaho Board of Environmental Quality.08.Cleanup. The removal, treatment or isolation of a contaminant from ground water through the directed efforts of humans or the removal or treatment of a contaminant in ground water through management practice or the construction of barriers, trenches and other similar facilities for prevention of contamination, as well as the use of natural processes such as ground water recharge, natural decay and chemical or biological decomposition.09.Constituent. Any chemical, ion, radionuclide, synthetic organic compound, microorganism, waste or other substance occurring in ground water.10.Contaminant. Any chemical, ion, radionuclide, synthetic organic compound, microorganism, waste or other substance which does not occur naturally in ground water or which naturally occurs at a lower concentration.11.Contamination. The direct or indirect introduction into ground water of any contaminant caused in whole or in part by human activities.12.Crop Root Zone. The zone that extends from the surface of the soil to the depth of the deepest crop root and is specific to a species of plant, group of plants, or crop.13.Degradation. The lowering of ground water quality as measured in a statistically significant and reproducible manner.14.Department. The Department of Environmental Quality.15.Extraction. Physical removal of ore or waste rock from mineral-bearing deposits. Extraction does not include processing, which is the removal of target minerals from ores by physical or chemical methods.16.Ground Water. Any water of the state which occurs beneath the surface of the earth in a saturated geological formation of rock or soil.17.Ground Water Quality Standard. Values, either numeric or narrative, assigned to any constituent for the purpose of establishing minimum levels of protection.18.Highly Vulnerable Ground Water. Ground water characterized by a relatively high potential for contaminants to enter and/or be transported within the flow system. Determinations of ground water vulnerability will include consideration of land use practices and aquifer characteristics.19.Irreplaceable Source. A ground water source serving a beneficial use(s) where the reliable delivery of comparable quality and quantity of water from an alternative source in the region would be economically infeasible or precluded by institutional constraints.20.Mine Operator. Any person authorized to engage in mining activities, including without limitation those authorized by law, lease, contract, permit, or plan of operation. It does not include a governmental agency that grants mineral leases or similar contracts or permits unless the agency is engaged in mining activities.21.Mining Activity. Recovery of a mineral from mineral-bearing deposits, which includes reclamation, extraction, excavation, overburden placement, disposal of tailings resulting from processing, and disposal of mineral extraction wastes, including tailings that are the result of extraction, waste rock, and other extraction wastes uniquely associated with mining.22.Mining Area. The area on or within which one (1) or more mining activities occur. The Department shall determine the boundaries of the mining area as provided in Section 401. Distinct mining activities may constitute separate mining areas.23.Natural Background Level. The level of any constituent in the ground water within a specified area as determined by representative measurements of the ground water quality unaffected by human activities.24.Person. Any individual, association, partnership, firm, joint stock company, joint venture, trust, estate, political subdivision, public or private corporation, state or federal governmental department, agency or instrumentality, or any legal entity which is recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties.25.Point of Compliance. The vertical surface where the Department determines compliance with ground water quality standards as provided in Subsection 400.05 and Section 401.26.Practical Quantitation Level. The lowest concentration of a constituent that can be reliably quantified among laboratories within specified limits of precision and accuracy during routine laboratory operating conditions. Specified limits of precision and accuracy are the criteria listed in the calibration specifications or quality control specifications of an analytical method.27.Projected Future Beneficial Uses. Various uses of ground water, such as drinking water, aquaculture, industrial, mining or agriculture, that are practical and achievable in the future based on hydrogeologic conditions, water quality, future land use activities and social/economic considerations.28.Recharge Area. An area in which water infiltrates into the soil or geological formation from, including but not limited to precipitation, irrigation practices and seepage from creeks, streams, and lakes, and percolates to one (1) or more aquifers.29.Reclamation. The process of restoring an area affected by a mining activity to its original or another beneficial use, considering previous uses, possible future uses, and surrounding topography. The objective is to re-establish a diverse, self-perpetuating plant community, and to minimize erosion, remove hazards, and maintain water quality.30.Remediation. Any action taken (1) to control the source of contamination, (2) to reduce the level of contamination, (3) to mitigate the effects of contaminants, and/or (4) to minimize contaminant movement. Remediation includes providing alternate drinking water sources when needed.31.Site Background Level. The ground water quality at the hydraulically upgradient site boundary.Idaho Admin. Code r.