Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

Unless more stringent limitations are necessary to meet the applicable requirements of Sections 200 through 300, or unless specific exemptions are made pursuant to Subsection 080.02, wastewaters discharged into surface waters of the state must have the following characteristics:

01.Temperature. The wastewater must not affect the receiving water outside the mixing zone so that:
a. The temperature of the receiving water or of downstream waters will interfere with designated beneficial uses.
b. Daily and seasonal temperature cycles characteristic of the water body are not maintained.
c. If temperature criteria for the designated aquatic life use are exceeded in the receiving waters upstream of the discharge due to natural background conditions, then wastewater must not raise the receiving water temperatures by more than three tenths (0.3) degrees C.

Note: Submitted to EPA as a temporary rule on July 20, 2011, and as a final rule on August 7, 2012 (docket 58-0102-1101). This revision removed the numeric limits on point source induced changes in receiving water temperature. Until EPA approves this revision, the previous treatment requirements published in 2011 Idaho Administrative Code continue to apply and are effective for CWA purposes. For more information, go to

The previous treatment requirements published in 2011 Idaho Administrative Code are effective for CWA purposes until the date EPA issues written notification that the revisions in Docket Nos. 58-0102-1101 or 58-0102-1803 have been approved.

c. If temperature criteria for the designated aquatic life use are exceeded in the receiving waters upstream of the discharge due to natural background conditions, then wastewater must not raise the receiving water temperatures by more than three tenths (0.3) degrees C above the natural background conditions.

Not effective for CWA purposes until the date EPA issues written notification that the revisions in Docket No. 58-0102-1803 have been approved.

d. If temperature criteria for the designated aquatic life use are exceeded in the receiving waters upstream of the discharge, then wastewater must not raise the receiving water temperatures by more than three tenths (0.3) degrees C above applicable numeric criteria.

Not effective for CWA purposes until the date EPA issues written notification that the revisions in Docket No. 58-0102-1803 have been approved.

02.Turbidity. The wastewater must not increase the turbidity of the receiving water outside the mixing zone by:
a. More than five (5) NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units) over background turbidity, when background turbidity is fifty (50) NTU or less; or
b. More than ten percent (10%) increase in turbidity when background turbidity is more than fifty (50) NTU, not to exceed a maximum increase of twenty-five (25) NTU.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022