Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Domestic. Waters designated for domestic water supplies are to exhibit the following characteristics:
a. Must meet general water quality criteria set forth in Section 200 and the Water & Fish criteria set forth in Subsection 210.01.b.
b. Turbidity.
i. Turbidity as measured at any public water intake shall not be:
(1) Increased by more than five (5) NTU above background when background turbidity is fifty (50) NTU or less;
(2) Increased by more than ten percent (10%) above background when background turbidity is greater than fifty (50) NTU and less than two hundred and fifty (250) NTU; or
(3) Increased by more than twenty-five (25) NTU above background when background turbidity is two hundred and fifty (250) NTU or greater.
ii. Turbidity Background/Criteria Table.

Turbidity Background

Turbidity Criteria

[Less Than equal to] 50 NTUs

5 NTUs above background

> 50 - < 250 NTUs

10% above background

[Greater Than equal to] 250 NTUs

25 NTUs

02.Agricultural. Water quality criteria for agricultural water supplies will generally be satisfied by the water quality criteria set forth in Section 200. Should specificity be desirable or necessary to protect a specific use, "Water Quality. Criteria 1972" (Blue Book), Section V, Agricultural Uses of Water, EPA, March, 1973 will be used for determining criteria. This document is available for review at the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, or can be obtained from EPA or the U.S. Government Printing Office.
03.Industrial. Water quality criteria for industrial water supplies will generally be satisfied by the general water quality criteria set forth in Section 200. Should specificity be desirable or necessary to protect a specific use, appropriate criteria will be adopted in Sections 252 or 275 through 298.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022