Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Reporting Water Body Use Support Status. After using the provisions in Section 054, and after consultation with the appropriate basin and watershed advisory groups, the Department shall identify water bodies in the appropriate category in the Integrated Report. The Integrated Report shall be published periodically by the Department in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Clean Water Act and shall be subject to public review and comment prior to submission to EPA for approval.
02.Water Bodies Needing Development of a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL).
a. The Department shall develop TMDLs or other equivalent processes, as required under Section 303(d)(1) of the Clean Water Act, for those water bodies identified in the Integrated Report as not fully supporting designated or existing beneficial uses and not meeting applicable water quality standards despite the application of required pollution controls.
b. Informational TMDLs may be developed for water bodies fully supporting beneficial uses as described under Section 303(d)(3) of the Clean Water Act, however, they will not be subject to the provisions of this Section.
c. TMDLs do not need to be developed for water bodies where other pollutant control requirements are expected to achieve full support of uses and compliance with water quality standards in a reasonable period of time. Such water bodies shall be identified as Category 4(b) waters in the Integrated Report.
03.Priority of TMDL Development. The priority of TMDL development for water quality limited water bodies identified in the Integrated Report shall be determined by the Director depending upon the severity of pollution and the uses of the water body, including those of unique ecological significance. In determining the severity of pollution and the effect on uses, the Director shall apply the factors set forth in Section 39-3609, Idaho Code. Water bodies identified as a high priority through this process will be the first to be targeted for development of a TMDL or equivalent process.
04.Protection of Uses Prior to Completion of TMDLs. Prior to the completion of a TMDL or equivalent process for water quality limited water bodies, the Department shall take those actions required by the antidegradation policy (Section 051), the antidegradation implementation procedures (Section 052), and the provisions in Section 39-3610, Idaho Code. Nothing in this section shall be interpreted as requiring best management practices for agricultural operations which are not adopted on a voluntary basis.
05.Consistency with TMDLs. Once a TMDL or equivalent process is completed, discharges of causative pollutants shall be consistent with the allocations in the TMDL. Nothing in this section shall be interpreted as requiring best management practices for agricultural operations which are not adopted on a voluntary basis.
06.Pollutant Trading. Development of TMDLs or equivalent processes or interim changes under these rules may include pollutant trading with the goal of restoring water quality limited water bodies to compliance with water quality standards.
07.Idaho Agriculture Pollution Abatement Plan. Use of best management practices by agricultural activities is strongly encouraged in high, medium and low priority watersheds. The Idaho Agriculture Pollution Abatement Plan is the source for best management practices for the control of nonpoint sources of pollution for agriculture.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022