Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Operating Guide. The Department will develop a Crop Residue Operating Guide to assist in the decision process for approving burns.
02.Permittee Approval Process. The permittee must obtain the Registration Receipt and Initial Permit Requirements from the Department at least twelve (12) hours in advance of the burn. The permittee must obtain final approval to burn from the Department the morning of the requested burn.
03.Burn Approval Criteria. To approve a permittee's request to burn, the Department must determine that ambient air quality levels do not exceed ninety percent (90%) of the ozone national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) and seventy-five percent (75%) of the level of any other NAAQS on any day and are not projected to exceed such level over the next twenty-four (24) hours, and ambient air quality levels have not reached, and are not forecasted to reach and persist at, eighty percent (80%) of the one (1) hour action criteria for particulate matter under Section 556. In making this determination, the Department will consider the following:
a. Expected emissions from all crop residue burns requested for the same dates;
b. The proximity of other burns and potential emission sources within the area to be affected by the requested burn;
c. Moisture content of the crop residue to be burned;
d. Acreage, crop type, and fuel characteristics of the crop residue to be burned;
e. Current and forecast meteorological conditions in the area of the requested burn;
f. The proximity of the requested burn to institutions with sensitive populations, including public schools while in session; hospitals; residential health care facilities for children, the elderly or infirm; and other institutions with sensitive populations as approved by the Department. The Department will not approve a burn if conditions are such that institutions with sensitive populations will be adversely impacted or when the plume is predicted to impact such institutions;
g. Proximity to public roadways;
h. Proximity to airports; and
i. Any other factors relevant to preventing exceedances of the air quality concentrations of Section 621.
04.Notification of Approval. The Department will post all crop residue approvals on its website. The burn approvals will include written notification of the approval and any specific conditions under which the burn is approved. Special conditions may include, but are not limited to:
a. Conditions for burns near institutions with sensitive populations;
b. The requirement to withhold additional material such that the fire burns down if the Department determines pollutant concentrations reach the levels in Subsection 621.03 of this rule;
c. Conditions to ensure the burn does not create a hazard for travel on a public roadway; and
d. The requirement to consult with the Department to determine actions to be taken if conditions at the burn site fail to satisfy the conditions specified in the notice of approval to burn.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 28, 2023