Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

In order to be credited in a permit to construct, Tier I operating permit or Tier II operating permit any emission reduction must satisfy the following:

01.Allowable Emissions. The proposed level of allowable emissions must be less than the actual emissions of the stationary source(s) or emission unit(s) providing the emission reduction credit. No emission reduction(s) can be credited for actual emissions that exceed the allowable emissions of the stationary source(s) or emission unit(s).
02.Timing of Emission Reduction. In an attainment or unclassifiable area, any emission reduction that occurs prior to the minor source baseline date must have been banked with the Department prior to the minor source baseline date to be credited; in a nonattainment area the emission reduction must occur after the base year of any control strategy for the particular air pollutant.
03.Emission Rate Calculation. The emission rate before and after the reduction must be calculated using the same method and averaging time and the characteristics necessary to evaluate any future use of the emission reduction credit must be described.
04.Permit Issuance. A permit to construct, Tier I operating permit or Tier II operating permit will be issued to establish a new emission standard for the facility, or restrict the operating rate, hours of operation, or the type or amount of material combusted, stored or processed for the stationary source(s) or emission unit(s) providing the emission reductions.
05.Imposed Reductions. Emission reductions imposed by local, state or federal regulations or permits will not be allowed for emission reduction credits.
06.Mobile Sources. The proposed level of allowable emissions must be less than the actual emissions of the mobile sources or stationary sources providing the emission reduction credit. Mobile source emission reduction credits will be made state or federally enforceable by SIP revision. The form of the SIP revision may be a state or local regulation, operating permit condition, consent or enforcement order, or any mechanism available to the state that is enforceable.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 28, 2023